A Moving Portrait: Functional Diversity Series Presents Emmy Award Winner

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A poster for Jason DaSilva's film, "When I Walk."

If you haven’t caught any of the other presentations in this great series, there’s another chance next Thursday, Jan. 18. There will be a screening of Jason DaSilva’s When I Walk which chronicles his life after he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, from 5-7 p.m. at Art Annex, Room 107, on the UC Davis campus.

The screening will be followed by a Skype Q&A with the filmmaker. The film, a trailer of which appears below, follows Jason DaSilva's diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis for seven years as he progresses from cane, to walker, to wheelchair. He is also the founder of the nonprofit organization AXS Lab and of AXS Map, a crowd sourced Google map based platform which rates the accessibility of businesses.

Major Funding for the series comes from the Office of Student Affairs Diversity & Inclusion Grant, Department of Art & Art History, & Department of Cinema and Digital Media.

The series, which lasts through February, is listed .

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