Imagining America: Building Partnerships Discussion Thursday

Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani
Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani, author of Contested City: Art and Public History as Mediation at New York’s Seward Park Urban Renewal Area, will host a two hour event Thursday, April 18, noon to 2 p.m. (Courtesy photo)

Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani, author of , will host a two hour event Thursday, April 18, noon to 2 p.m.  in 142 Hunt Hall, UC Davis. She will be focusing on organizing campus-community partnerships to advance regional equity and community voice. She will also facilitate group work on the experiences with building partnerships across the UC Davis campus region.

Imagining America's Learning Lab serves as a space to engage in creative dialogue about pressing issues that campus community members are facing. With a focus on building a learning community, the goal is to tackle issues together through imaginative group workshops and investigations. 

Bendiner-Viani is an urbanist, curator, and artist pioneering in public arts and urban research for community engagement. She is also principal of the design and research studio , and teaches urban studies in public art at The New School in New York. 

RSVP to Erika Prasad: Eaprasad@ucdavis.edu by April 15, 2019. IA asks that attendees read as much of the linked material as possible to prepare for the interactive discussion.

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Food and drinks and book sales will be available at the event.

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