Top 10 Stories of 2024

As we close out the year, we turn back to 2024 and some of our most popular stories, as ranked by how many readers viewed them online. UC Davis experts and alumni are at the forefront, sharing their knowledge and memories. 

Read on for the top 10 stories from 2024.


10. Get to Know the New Football Coach

Tim Plough '08 detailed why he returned to his alma mater to head the football team and told a few stories about coaching.

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Two students stand back to back

9. Meet the Undergraduates Who Won Big Bang!

A UC Davis team of undergraduates devised a wearable device that could warn patients of an impending seizure — and won the annual Big Bang! Business Competition, for innovators to develop and test ideas. With the prize money, they will develop a prototype and further refine it.

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Closeup photo of a hand with wet sand and many small pieces of colored plastic, most no larger than two or three grains of sand.

8. The Problem with Microplastics

They have been detected in Arctic sea ice and our national parks, but just what kind of threat are microplastics? UC Davis researchers are looking at the problem for animals, humans and our ecosystems.

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7. Alum’s Bagel Business Is Booming

Emily Winston, M.S. '04, founded Boichik Bagels in the Bay Area to great acclaim. Modeling her product after the iconic bagels of New York, Winston has built a thriving business.

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Photo of a man sitting and holding a guitar. He looks at the camera and smiles.

6. The Music of Comedy

Comedian JR De Guzman '12 was featured in November, after we saw him perform his act combining stand-up, improv, crowd work and songs on acoustic guitar. He traces his interest in comedy to a class he took at UC Davis.

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A chicken in a cage

5. Understanding the Threat of Bird Flu

UC Davis experts discuss the increasing risks of H5N1 influenza as it has spread into dairy cows and a small, but growing number of people. This is a story we continue to follow.

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Golden retriever puppy

4. How to Identify When a Dog Should be Spayed and Neutered

In the news-you-can-use category, the results of this study were offered in a convenient chart, showing each breed.

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Cars on a busy highway

3. Does Widening Highways Ease Traffic Congestion? 

The congestion problem continues to be addressed by construction projects, adding lanes to highways. But does it work? This article covers what the data shows.

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Illustration of American flag and people walking together

2. How Does Immigration Affect the United States?

We went to UC Davis experts who study immigration in relation to jobs, crime and disease to find out out how immigration shapes society. The story found more readers as the subject became a flash point in the election.

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Illustration of a rural, two-lane road with telephone poles on one side and a polling place sign on the other.

1. 6 Big Issues in the Presidential Election

Unsurprisingly, the most-read story of the year was about the election. UC Davis experts in political science, economics, law and more weighed in with insights on what's at stake.

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