‘Campus Tomorrow’: Updating our Long-Range Development Plan

The ԹϺ has scheduled four open houses — the first one is set for next week — to begin engaging the Davis campus and the city of Davis in the campus’s new Long-Range Development Plan, or LRDP, now being drafted.

At the “Campus Tomorrow” open houses, the public is invited to view a collection of illustrations demonstrating the plan’s major themes and referencing a variety of planning issues, most notably housing and transportation. Feedback is welcomed in the LRDP process, led by Campus Planning and Community Resources.

“Campus Tomorrow” is organized by neighborhoods to make the planning concepts more accessible and easily understood.

Bob Segar, assistant vice chancellor, Campus Planning and Community Resources, writes an op-ed on the LRDP.

UC Davis produces a Long-Range Development Plan about every 10 years — the last one came out in 2003 — as a general guide for the location and scale of development on the Davis campus.

The updated LRDP will run through 2027, guiding development to support the academic enterprise, enrich community life and promote a more sustainable future. The completed document, reflecting months of public engagement, will go to the Board of Regents.

How to get involved

Campus Planning and Community Resources announced opportunities for group tours as well as the four scheduled open houses:

  • Thursday, Oct. 22 — 6-8 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 28 — noon-2 p.m.
  • Wednesday, Oct. 28 — 6-8 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 29 — 6-8 p.m.

All open houses will be held in (formerly the University Club). If driving, please use , or ; Campus Planning and Community Resources is sponsoring complimentary parking for the evening programs.

For more information, you may sign up for email notifications or send questions by email to the planning team. Look for the sign-up form and a contact button on the . Interactive features will be added to the site in conjunction with the first open house.


Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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