Books for Summer, by UC Davis Authors

Frenzied Respite, Plus Happy Pets and Happy You

Yellow snail seashells. eight in a larger shell, three off to the side
Photo of yellow snails from the book ‘Seashells,’ photography by Josie Iselin, text by UC Davis Professor Sandy Carlson.

A Page to Bookmark

Books by UC Davis Authors, featuring recently published works of scholarship, fiction and more by faculty and staff.

The University of California, Davis, presents a sampling of books by campus authors in this last-chance-for-summer reading list, starting with The Last Laugh, Lynn Freed’s well received novel about women who are trying to write new lives for themselves as they enter their 70s.

We also include Down the Up Staircase: Three Generations of a Harlem Family; a history of the Ghost Dance religion; a new work by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Gary Snyder; two volumes about pets; and a not-so-old favorite, Seashells. Enjoy!

"The Last Laugh" book cover

Read more about The Last Laugh and Freed’s next book, The Romance of Elsewhere, a collection of essays, due out in October.

"Seashells" book cover
"Down the Up Staircase" book cover
"God's Red Son" book cover
"Wildness" book cover
"Happy Dog" book cover
"Buddha dog" from "Petitation" book cover
From ‘Petitation’ book cover

The Petitation Companion: Enhance the Lives of You and Your Pets with Mindfulness Meditation By Elisabeth Paige, a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Veterinary Medicine, and Joanne Leslie, her mother. Suffering from bipolar disorder, Paige knew meditation would help her condition, but she couldn’t muster the concentration required. Then she involved her dog. This 2016 volume provides instructional prose, sprinkled with anecdotes and humor, to help people focus their minds on “petitation.” The pet might get something out of it, too. Read more about The Petitation Companion in this UC Davis news release.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, UC Davis News and Media Relations, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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