Celebrating the Principles of Community

Renetta Garrison Tull in pink dress, environmental
Vice Chancellor Renetta Garrison Tull says some people on campus have memorized the Principles of Community, which she calls an appreciated gesture.” (Karin Higgins/UC Davis)

Quick Summary

  • Annual celebration starts with online ceremony, Feb. 22
  • A book talk will be accompanied by samba and capoeira
  • Also: Workshop for faculty and TAs on anti-racist teaching

Principles of Community Week starts Tuesday, Feb. 22, but before we get there, here’s a reminder of the most popular words that emerged last year when we asked the campus community to distill the principles into four words:


  • WHAT: Principles of Community Week
  • WHEN: Feb. 22-March 2
  • OPENING CEREMONY: 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, remote, including remarks by Chancellor Gary S. May
  • Respect
  • Equity
  • Learning
  • Community

“As we participate in the 2022 activities for Principles of Community Week, let’s embody these four words and recommit to the principles as a whole — principles that make us all so proud to be a part of UC Davis, reflecting the ideals that we continue to seek to uphold,” said Renetta Garrison Tull, vice chancellor of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Principles of Community Week, the vice chancellor said, “is a time to remember and celebrate our collective values such as affirming the right of freedom of expression, rejecting violence in all forms and rejecting all manifestations of discrimination.”

This years week is actually a little longer than a week and includes workshops, presentations and dialogues, starting with a remote opening ceremony featuring remarks by Chancellor Gary S. May, next Tuesday, Feb. 22.

The schedule includes a book talk accompanied by Afro-Brazilian musical performances; an Aggie Explorations program with the director of Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives; a workshop on anti-racist teaching, for faculty and teaching assistants; an Interfaith Campus Council dialogue; and a trans allyship workshop. All activities are listed below.

‘Aspirational statement’

UC Davis adopted the Principles of Community 31 years ago and revised them six years ago “to underscore the PoC’s standing and meaning as an aspirational statement.”

Here are some excerpts:

  • “We affirm the dignity inherent in all of us, and we strive to maintain a climate of equity and justice demonstrated by respect for one another.”
  • “We confront and reject all manifestations of discrimination, including those based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender expression, age, visible and nonvisible disability, nationality, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, religious/nonreligious, spiritual, or political beliefs, socio-economic class, status within or outside the ԹϺ, or any of the other differences among people which have been excuses for misunderstanding, dissension or hatred.”
  • “We recognize and cherish the richness contributed to our lives by our diversity. We take pride in all our achievements, and we celebrate our differences.”


The includes links for:

  • The document in English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Hmong, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese
  • The “Living the Principles of Community” online course

Opening ceremony

Other speakers besides the chancellor will be David Lubarsky, vice chancellor, Human Health Sciences, and CEO of UC Davis Health; and Renetta Garrison Tull, vice chancellor, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Hendry Ton, associate vice chancellor for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, UC Davis Health, will be the moderator.

  • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, remote.

Other events

  • Juan Diego Diaz headshot and "Africanness in Action" book cover
    Juan Diego Díaz and his book “Africanness in Action: Essentialism and Musical Imaginations of Africa in Brazil.”
    Book talk and musical performances, presented by the Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspective on Social Science, Arts and Humanities, or CAMPSSAH Assistant Professor Juan Diego Díaz’s talk on Afro-Brazilian music, the subject of his new book, Africanness in Action: Essentialism and Musical Imaginations of Africa in Brazil, will be accompanied by the UC Davis Samba School, led by Brian Rice, lecturer in music, and the author’s Capoeira Ensemble (he described copoeira as “an Afro-Brazilian art combining instrumental music, song, dance, combat and acrobatics”). Moderator: Kimberly Nettles-Barcelón, the faculty director of CAMPSSAH.
    • Noon-2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, in person and remote.
    • , multipurpose room, .
  • Faculty and Teaching Assistants Workshop: Five Approaches to Anti-Racist Teaching — Participants will engage with the five practical components of Kyoko Kishimoto’s anti-racist teaching practices (2018). Facilitators from the UC Davis Center for Educational Effectiveness: Kem Saichaie, director of learning and teaching, and Cecilia Gomez, education specialist.
    • CORRECTED DATE: Noon-1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, in person.
    • NEW LOCATION: 1211 .
  • “How Students Can Become More Involved In Campus Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts” — Cayley Chan and Sana Sayyid, student assistants to the chancellor, will facilitate a discussion between students and DEI Vice Chancellor Tull.
    • Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, remote.
  • Milmon Harrison headshot
    Milmon Harrison
    Dialogue and discussion on this year’s : How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi — Panelists: Milmon F. Harrison, associate professor of African American and African Studies, and associate dean, Undergraduate Education; Dominique Donette, lobbyist and public affairs specialist, NAACP California and Hawaii; and Kula Koenig, senior director, California Capital Region, United Way. Moderator: Rev. Kevin Kitrell Ross, senior minister and chief executive officer, Unity of Sacramento Church. Sponsored by UC Davis, Sac Cultural Hub and Underground Books.
    • 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, in person.
  • Interfaith Campus Council dialogue — Panelists will share how they build connections across diverse faith communities to cultivate interfaith leaders for the campus and beyond. A light meal will be served.
    • 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, in person and remote.
    • Masks and proof of vaccination, including booster, required to attend in person.
  • ADDED: Virtual Healing Circle — Compassionate listening and intentional sharing to foster understanding, love and unity. Organized by the UC Davis Office of Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in furtherance of the health system’s efforts to realize the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of the .
    • 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 23, remote.
  • ADDED: Accessibility Resources for Faculty and Staff — Do you send out marketing emails or create electronic brochures? Do you add content to webpages? Do you work in Canva or post to social media? Are you reaching the widest audience by creating accessible content? Find out what resources are available to the campus community to help address the issues at hand and become more inclusive for all.
    • Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24, remote.
  • Photo of Lina Mendez
    Lina Mendez
    Aggie Explorations featuring Lina Mendez, director of Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives — This is the inaugural program in Aggie Explorations, presented by Staff Assembly. Mendez is the campus’s inaugural director of HSI Initiatives.
    • Noon-1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24, remote.
  • ADDED: Growing as a Community — Understanding the refugee experience: culturally responsive and compassionate care for Afghan families. Presentation by Opening Doors, a Sacramento-based organization that offers a variety of programs and services to help support newcomers on their path to stability, self-sufficiency and belonging.
    • Noon-1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25, remote.
  • Trans Allyship Workshop — Jasper Lounds of the LGBTQIA Resource Center will discuss trans student experiences and the importance of pronouns, and offer trans allyship tips.
    • 2-3:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 28, remote.
  • “What is ‘Street Medicine’ and Why Does It Exist?” — Brett Feldman, physician assistant, will share insights and experiences working with people who are unhoused. Presented by the Staff Diversity Administrative Advisory Committee.
    • Noon-1 p.m. Wednesday, March 2, remote.


Media Resources

Dateline Staff: Dave Jones, editor, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu; Cody Kitaura, News and Media Relations specialist, 530-752-1932, kitaura@ucdavis.edu.

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