CERT Graduation: Volunteer Emergency Responders

Group photo alongside firetruck
CERT graduates and trainers, pictured at the campus fire station on graduation day, from left: <strong>Row 1 (front) &mdash;</strong>Jessica Lim, student; Grecia Ortiz, student; Ruth Verdugo, student; Lan Chen, student; Veronica Thron, staff; Viendi Hoang, staff; and Alexandria Garcia, staff. <strong>Row 2 &mdash;</strong> Jianan Li, student; and Bill Starr, staff. <strong>Row 3 &mdash;</strong> Bob Favorite, staff; Celeste Carlisle, staff; Brooke Thomas, student; Kenedi Jacobs, student; Mary Macias, safety officer; and Ben Rizzo, firefighter. <strong>Row 4 (back) &mdash;</strong> Brent Wagstaff, mission continuity planner; Rebecca Buer, student; Krasen Kovachev, staff; Corrie Beall, firefighter; and Jon Poganski, firefighter. <strong>For those not pictured, see list of all graduates below.</strong> (Grant Nejedlo/UC Davis photo)


Emergency preparedness is one half of Clement Stokes’ office. The other half, mission continuity, works with departments and units to develop plans for the resumption of operations after a disruption of any size or type.

Staff members who wish to learn more about mission continuity are invited to a brown bag to be held from 11 a.m. to noon this Friday (June 23) in 130 , as part of Safety Month at UC Davis.

At one graduation ceremony this spring, students and staff received certificates while UC Davis earned a higher degree or readiness for campus emergencies.

The 31 graduates (see all their names below) are the first members of the new Campus Emergency Response Team, having completed a 28-hour training program covering basic search and rescue, medical operations and fire suppression, as well as cardiopulmonary resuscitation and how to use automated external defibrillators.

The program, open to faculty, staff and students, will begin recruiting for additional members in the fall.

Clement Stokes, director of the for the campus, said the team structure is based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s model that has been adapted for communities, workplaces, and schools and colleges across the country.

CERT volunteers surround "victim" in training exercise.
Practical skills assessment: Six UC Davis students run through a first aid drill on CERT graduation day. Pictured, from left: Kenedi Jacobs, Jessica Lim, Andrew Hanson, Brooke Thomas, Ruth Verdugo and Lan Chen, tending to pretend patient Corrie Beall, a campus firefighter. (Grant Nejedlo/UC Davis photo)

“The team will play a vital role both in support of professional responders and in circumstances when they are not immediately available,” Stokes said in a Dateline UC Davis article announcing the initial call for CERT volunteers.

CERT volunteers will also serve as ambassadors for emergency preparedness across campus, and may be called upon to lend a hand at special events like Picnic Day. Training updates will be held during the year.

For more information, contact either of the training coordinators by email: Brent Wagstaff of Safety Services, bwagstaff@ucdavis.edu; or Mary Macias of Student Health and Counseling Services, memacias@ucdavis.edu.

CERT graduates May 2017

Staff — Leo Alamillo, Lisa Brackney, Celeste Carlisle, Angela Carrasco, Angela Culp, Bob Favorite, Alexandria Garcia, Roxanne Grijalva, Daniella Hanson, Viendi Hoang, Megan Kennedy, Cynthia Ketchum, Krasen Kovachev, Gregory Ortiz, Cheryl Pater, Maureen Phelan, David Razo, Bill Starr, Veronica Thron and Gene Wong.

Students — Eric Bailey, Rebecca Buer, Laney Chen, Andrew Hanson, Kenedi Jacobs, Jianan Li, Jessica Lim, Grecia Ortiz-Flores, Brooke Thomas, Yuan Tian and Ruth Verdugo.

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Grant Nejedlo

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