Design Competition for UC Davis Chancellor’s Residence Gets Makeover

Alumni Now Eligible, Deadline Extended, Prizes Increased

UC Davis has done a makeover on the competition for the design of two public rooms at the Chancellor’s Residence.

To encourage entries, the campus has opened the contest beyond students to include alumni too, extended the deadline and upped the prizes.

Prospective entrants now have until Wednesday, July 19, to submit designs for the living room and/or study at the residence and could win a $500 Amazon gift card and extra Aggie swag for each room.

and his wife, LeShelle, will move into the residence as he takes up his new role on Aug. 1. They invited design submissions for the two rooms, which are among those used for up to 70 events a year.

The prizes include helping oversee the implementation of the design. The house will display framed artwork of the designs and placards acknowledging design credit.

The updated  includes rules and judging criteria, schematics and 360-degree photos of the rooms to be designed.

Read the original story about the competition.

Primary Category
