THE DOWNLOAD: Aggies in Love, Lunar New Year

Graphic shows map of UC Davis numerous heart icons all around campus. Text: Davis has more than its share of love stories
Submissions are open for the “Aggies in Love” map.

Did UC Davis set the stage for your love story? Maybe it’s where you met your partner, made lifelong friends, or just found a place that stole your heart. The Cal Aggie Alumni Association is looking for “Aggies in Love” stories to highlight on social media and on an interactive map:

Lunar New Year message

The Year of the Snake begins tomorrow (Jan. 29), and Chancellor Gary S. May shared a message of happiness, health and prosperity. See the video above.

Make-a-thon focuses on design, prototyping

Onion slicers, Pez dispensers and weekly pill planners: Over a 48-hour period, engineering students found inspiration from these ordinary objects as they gained practical design experience at the 11th annual Medical Make-a-Thon, held Jan. 17-Jan.19 in the College of Engineering.

Learn more in the above video and . 

Media Resources

Cody Kitaura is the editor of Dateline UC Davis and can be reached by email or at 530-752-1932.

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