THE DOWNLOAD: Bear Released, Football Improves

Bear after release into the wild.
The female bear cub whose paws were burned in the Carr Fire was released into the wild Wednesday (Sept. 12). (Courtesy California Department of Fish and Wildlife)

The bear burned in the Carr Fire and given a tilapia skin treatment developed by a UC Davis veterinarian was released back into the wild last week, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife said.

"This bear weighed only 50 pounds when she arrived at the lab, but tipped the scale at 78 pounds Wednesday morning, and all four paws were sporting a healthy growth of new skin," .

A new home had to be found for the bear, as her original habitat near Redding was largely destroyed by fire. She was released last Wednesday morning (Sept. 12) on Bureau of Land Management property.

“She definitely does not like people, which is what we hoped for,” said Deana Clifford, senior wildlife veterinarian with the department. “Ideally, she’ll live out a normal life in the wild, and she’ll never interact with humans again.”


Read more about the fish-skin treatment Jamie Peyton, chief of the Integrative Medicine Service at the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, has been using on animals.

Doss and defense impress as Aggies improve

, but the program did improve in the rankings thanks to a strong showing, including strong defense and 106 yards by wide receiver Keelan Doss.

The Aggies are now ranked No. 21 in the STATS FCS rankings and No. 25 in the American Football Coaches Association FCS poll. .

Next up: UC Davis (2-1) vs. Idaho (1-1) this Saturday (Sept. 22) at Aggie Stadium, 4 p.m. kickoff, in the Big Sky Conference opener for both schools.


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