THE DOWNLOAD: Bovine Bubbles, Bodega Student Films

What is a “bovine bubble,” and what can it be used to measure? Hear the explanation behind these unique research structures in the above video.

BML summer students share their science through short films

Coastal Marine Research, or BIS 124, was taught at Bodega Marine Laboratory during Summer Session I by Professor Eric Sanford. Undergraduate students in this course received training in all aspects of the research process and then put their new skills to work during independent research projects conducted in teams of two. Students shared their research findings via a scientific talk delivered at the Bodega Marine Laboratory Student Research Symposium on Aug. 1, and a final paper archived in the Cadet Hand Library at the lab.

Students also developed science communication skills for engaging non-scientists. Students produced 3-minute films to highlight their research for general audiences and premiered their work at a Film Festival at Bodega Marine Lab on July 30. 

“Shifting Shores,” by Natalia Goston and Christian Long

“The Elegant Dove Snail has a Dark Secret…” by Nathan Cole and Kaden Stone

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Cody Kitaura is the editor of Dateline UC Davis and can be reached by email or at 530-752-1932.

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