THE DOWNLOAD: Mom-Scientists, Aggie-Ewok and a Thank-You

Last month, a group of academics led by a UC Davis researcher called on scientific conferences to do more to accommodate nursing mothers and parents to help normalize parenthood in academia. Now, Rebecca Calisi Rodriguez, an assistant professor of neurobiology, physiology and behavior, is explaining more about why she's embarking on the effort. Watch the above video and read .

Florida college thanks UC Davis for donations

Student says "Thank you UC Davis for your donation to the HOPE Food Pantry."
A screenshot from the video thanking UC Davis for its donation.

Aggies sprang into action last year in the wake of fires in Northern California and hurricanes in Texas and Florida, donating about $900 each to relief efforts in Sonoma, Houston and Jacksonville, Florida. The Campus Store and Dining Services collected the donations.

Students at Florida State College, where a food pantry was the recipient of UC Davis' donations, made a video to say thank you. .


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