THE DOWNLOAD: Nursing Documentary, Equine Athletes

Rejecting structural racism is everybody’s work. That’s the perspective of a new documentary exploring racism in the health care industry and, especially, through the lens of its largest workforce — nurses.

“,” which premiered recently in Washington, D.C., reveals racism’s harmful effects on patients and nurses alike. The film was funded by the , one of the nation’s largest health care foundations.

The filmmakers chose to focus on the and because of their national reputation for advancing diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, through and .

Rebecca Badeaux

‘Kind of obsessed’ with on-campus museums

Equine athletes at School of Veterinary Medicine

With the summer Olympics around the corner, watch the above videos to learn about the work the School of Veterinary Medicine does with competitive horses — equine athletes.

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Cody Kitaura is the editor of Dateline UC Davis and can be reached by email or at 530-752-1932.

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