THE DOWNLOAD: Redwood SEED Scholars, Sheep, Bloopers

Applications are open for the fall 2025 class of . This four-year, non-degree inclusive program is for individuals ages 18-23 who have an intellectual disability.

Funded through a grant, the program is in its fourth year. Currently, 41 students are enrolled, and the first group of scholars will graduate in spring 2025.

“It’s incredible to watch the growth from the current seniors, from their first year to now,” said Beth Foraker, co-director of the program.

Families often have questions about how the program works. In this Q&A, Foraker answers the 10 most-asked questions.


Feeling stressed? Take 50 minutes out of your day to watch a scene of sheep grazing on campus, with calming music in the background.

Thursday Thoughts bloopers

In honor of the quarter drawing to a close, Chancellor Gary S. May and LeShelle May took a light-hearted approach to their most recent episode of Thursday Thoughts. See a collection of bloopers from previous installments in the above video.

Media Resources

Cody Kitaura is the editor of Dateline UC Davis and can be reached by email or at 530-752-1932.

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