THE DOWNLOAD: Wandering Whales, Mother’s Day

Thousands of Pacific gray whales died in the last eight years — nearly half the population. How did one small group affectionately nicknamed “the Sounders” find sanctuary inside the Salish Sea and avoid the die-off entirely without a single death? In the latest episode of Salish Sea Wild, the SeaDoc Society tells their story. 

Mother’s Day on social media

Explaining transcranial magnetic stimulation

Transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS, is a non-invasive treatment for depression that uses gentle pulses of magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. It works differently than standard antidepressant medications, like serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, but without their undesirable side effects such as weight changes and sexual dysfunction. In the above video, Katharine Marder, a psychiatrist at UC Davis Health who specializes in treatment-resistant depression, explains how TMS works, which patients could consider it as an option, and what side effects can occur.

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Cody Kitaura is the editor of Dateline UC Davis and can be reached by email or at 530-752-1932.

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