THE DOWNLOAD: Welcome Home, Goodbye and Nostalgia

Thursday (March 23) with a loss in the Women’s National Invitation Tournament Round of 16 against Washington State, but they were still welcomed home to Davis in style.

Action Jackson a permanent part of the barn

A woman photographs a silhouette of Action Jackson.
Action Jackson still presides in the breeding barn. (Gregory Urquiaga/UC Davis)

A celebration of life for Action Jackson last week included the unveiling of a metal silhouette of the donkey’s likeness, made by the farm crew and installed in the breeding barn where Action Jackson presided for two decades before his death Jan. 6 at the age of 29. Members of the animal science community gathered for the noontime program to remember the donkey who sired well over 500 donkeys and mules — and, with his “talkative” behavior, entertained countless visitors to the barn area on La Rue Road.

Unitrans history in the spotlight

Our National Puppy Day mascots

Media Resources

Cody Kitaura/Dateline, 530-752-1932, kitaura@ucdavis.edu

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