Food and Coffee News, Updated

Latitude exterior
Dining Services announced that Latitude will fully reopen (market and restaurant) as planned Monday (Jan. 3). (Gregory Urquiaga/UC Davis)

The Dec. 21 announcement that winter quarter will begin with a week of remote instruction and working from home has prompted some changes in campus food and coffee options — but not for Dining Services.

The ԹϺ-run Dining Services announced it will proceed with reopening its facilities as planned during the week of Jan. 3-7, including Latitude Market and King Hall Coffee, which were not open in fall quarter. Kraig Brady, director, said Dining Services aims to serve anyone who may be on campus, and to provide multiple options, while also taking the opportunity to train new student employees.

The markets at the Activities and Recreation Center and Memorial Union will also be open next week, though with reduced hours some days. The Market at the ARC is also open today and Thursday (Dec. 29-30) before a two-day closure for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

The Coffee House and CoHo South Café will reopen Monday, Jan. 10, a week later than previously announced.

Dining Services

Campus residence halls will reopen Sunday (Jan. 2), and the dining commons will open the same day, starting with dinner. The residential area markets will open the next day.

Also reopening Monday (Jan. 3): Peet’s Coffee (Activities and Recreation Center and Silo); Latitude Restaurant; Spokes Grill and Crêpe Bistro (both in the Silo); Scrubs Café (Health Sciences District); and Sage Street Market Café (UC Davis West Village).

And here are the opening dates, as announced previously, for facilities that were not open in fall quarter:

  • , Monday, Jan. 3
  • , Wednesday, Jan. 5
  • , Tuesday, Jan. 11
  • , Wednesday, Jan. 19
  • (outside California Hall), opening for the first time, early February

ARC and MU markets

  • (food, no coffee)
    • Today and Thursday, Dec. 30 — 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
    • Friday-Saturday, Dec. 31-Jan. 1 — Closed
    • Sunday, Jan. 2 — Noon-5 p.m.
    • Monday-Friday, Jan. 3-7 — 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
    • Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 8-9   Noon-5 p.m.
  • (food and coffee)
    • Through Saturday, Jan. 1 — Closed
    • Sunday, Jan. 2 — 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
    • Monday-Friday, Jan. 3-7 — 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
    • Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 8-9 — 11 a.m.-4 p.m.

Coffee House

This will reopen Jan. 10 with limited operations (including Friday closures), the same as fall quarter. But not for long.

“We are expecting an influx of approximately 130 new student staff in early January,” said Darin Schluep, CoHo director. “The plan is to strategically reopen platforms, expand hours, etc., as the student staffing allows, with the priority being our Ciao Pizza platform and Friday service.

“We’ll then look at expanding hours in our Marketplace (TxMx and Fickle Pickle Deli) and bring our last two service platforms, Cooks and Croutons, back online.”

Weekend operations might have to wait until spring quarter, Schluep said, but at least the CoHo will be back to normal Monday through Friday.

The resumed Friday service in December and will continue operating five days a week in winter quarter, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The CoHo’s other satellite operation, , may not reopen until spring.

Media Resources

Dateline Staff: Dave Jones, editor, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu; Cody Kitaura, News and Media Relations specialist, 530-752-1932, kitaura@ucdavis.edu.

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