Thursday: A Conversation on the Executive Order

Post-Election Positions and Resources

Global Affairs Vice Provost and Associate Chancellor Joanna Regulska will moderate and Interim Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter will participate in a forum this Thursday afternoon (Feb. 2) on President Trump’s executive order on immigration.

Joanna Regulska mugshot

“We are very concerned about how this decision affects our UC Davis community,” reads a flier announcing the event, billed as "A Conversation About the Executive Order on Immigration."

“Join us for a conversation with higher education leaders on UC Davis’ commitment to supporting our community.”

Representatives from Global Affairs, Student Affairs and Campus Diversity, Undergraduate Education, Graduate Studies and the School of Law will be present to answer questions and hear your concerns.

The forum is scheduled from 4 to 5 p.m. in the lobby of the new (on California Avenue just off Russell Boulevard). Refreshments will be provided.


Media Resources

Dateline Staff, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu

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