HOLIDAY HELPING: Ways to Support Students, Kids and Pets

People stand in front of table of donated toys
Mail Services employees — from left, Dave Sheets, Alecia Davis, Ranjlyn Sharma, Kolby Stancil and Felix Landeros — pose with toys donated in 2023. (UC Davis photo)

UC Davis-backed projects to help students, children and pets have returned just in time for the holidays. 

Stuff the Bus

Unitrans will park a vintage double-decker bus at the Davis Food Co-op from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Dec. 14 and ask the community to “Stuff the Bus” with food and other essential items for The Pantry, a campus space that helps students experiencing food insecurity.

“The Pantry is looking to sustain student and employee well-being, so they don’t have to worry about their next meal,” said Andie Tarabzooni, director of The Pantry.

The Pantry’s most-needed food donations include soups, canned proteins, oats, seasoning spices, pasta, rice, beans, nuts, coffee blends, broth, purées of any kind, coconut milk, diced tomatoes, ramen, crackers, sauces, lentils, chickpeas, tomato paste and nonperishable food items of any kind. 

Help pets of homeless people

Person holds pet while posing for photo with two clinic volunteers
The Mercer Clinic will donate 130 gift baskets and 600 garments this year. (Courtesy)

The Mercer Clinic in Sacramento is marking three decades of helping homeless people keep their pets healthy and warm, and now is the time to get involved.

The free monthly clinic, run by UC Davis veterinary and undergraduate students supervised by volunteer veterinarians, both from UC Davis and elsewhere, will distribute its annual holiday pet baskets filled with toys and treats on Dec. 14. 

“The need is growing, so we need folks to donate to be able to keep the program going,” said Eileen Samitz, who was working at the UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital 30 years ago when she started the pet gift basket program with her co-workers.

They distribute free coats and sweaters for pets year-round, and this year they will give away 600 garments, Samitz said.


  • By mailing a check: Mercer Holiday Pet Baskets, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box 1167, Davis, CA 95617-1167

Mail Services Toy Drive

Graphic: Toys for Tots train logo

The Mail Services Food Drive has wrapped up, and it’s on to the next opportunity to help others: The annual toy drive.

To participate, leave a new, unwrapped toy in your office’s outgoing mail bin or in one of several donation bins around campus and it will be delivered to the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program in Yolo County.

The toy drive runs through Dec. 12. Shoppers heading to AggieSurplus for its monthly in-person shopping event can also bring a toy to receive a discount on that day’s purchase.

Virtual toy drive

Since many pediatric patients will be spending the holidays in the hospital, why not bring the celebration to them? Now through Dec. 24, you can “shop” from the comfort of your couch, providing gifts for UC Davis Children’s Hospital kids and families through the .

Now in its sixth year, this fundraising event gives donors the opportunity to purchase a specific item from the wish list or make a donation toward a gift purchase.

Media Resources

Cody Kitaura is the editor of Dateline UC Davis and can be reached by email or at 530-752-1932.

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