Human research protection program up for accreditation

UC Davis has advanced to the final stages of receiving institutional accreditation from the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, or AAHRPP. A site visit is scheduled in January.

As an independent, nonprofit accrediting body, the association uses a voluntary, peer-driven, educational model to ensure that human research protection programs meet rigorous standards for quality and protection. The , or IRB, worked closely with the association to successfully complete the first two steps of the accreditation application.

The association accredits only the highest quality human research protection programs, those that promote excellent, ethically sound research, surpassing state and federal regulations. The accreditation signifies that an organization follows rigorous standards for ethics, quality, and protections for human research — thereby fostering public trust and confidence in human research and placing the accredited institution among the most respected and trustworthy research organizations in the world.

AAHRPP-accredited organizations:

  • Earn the respect and meet the expectations of their peers. More than 60 percent of U.S. research-intensive universities and 65 percent of U.S. medical schools are either AAHRPP-accredited or have begun the accreditation process. Of the five UC medical centers, three are accredited at this time.
  • Play a leadership role in collaborative efforts. AAHRPP accreditation instills trust among research partners and, therefore, is becoming a requirement for collaboration. AAHRPP-accredited organizations often insist that accreditation status be a determining factor in decisions on external IRB review.
  • Gain a competitive edge with sponsors and other funders, who recognize that AAHRPP-accredited organizations have more efficient operations, provide more comprehensive protections and produce high-quality data. Some sponsors consider accreditation status when choosing investigative sites.
  • Reduce the risk of noncompliance. AAHRPP accreditation signifies that an organization has built the necessary infrastructure for a quality human research protection program. AAHRPP-accredited organizations tend to have more streamlined, effective policies and procedures. These organizations also typically keep better records and are more likely to avoid costly shutdowns and problematic inspections.
  • Enhance their standing with U.S. federal agencies, which are more likely to target nonaccredited organizations for inspections. Federal agencies have begun seeking AAHRPP accreditation for their own human research protection programs. The central IRB for the National Cancer Institute earned AAHRPP accreditation in December 2012.
  • Benefit from a common commitment to continuous quality improvement. AAHRPP-accredited organizations share innovative practices and collect data to help establish benchmarks and assess quality improvement. AAHRPP compiles and distributes these data to aid organizations, sponsors, government agencies, and participants in identifying and promoting high-quality practices.

The site visit, Jan. 5-7, is the next step in the accreditation process. The visitors are peers chosen from institutions that have received AAHRPP accreditation.

The team’s thorough assessment of UC Davis’ human research protection program will include interviews with faculty and staff who are engaged in human subject research. The AAHRPP will select its interview subjects in early November, and IRB Administration staff will contact each person to schedule a one-hour training and interview preparation session.

Questions about the accreditation process can be directed to Kathryn Smith by phone, (530) 304-8051, or email.


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Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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