Masks, Distancing Still Required on Campus

Teacher and students in face coverings, on walking tour, outdoors.
Andy Jones and his students wear face coverings while discussing the history of the Vanderhoef Quad, in a First-Year Seminar that was held outdoors this spring. (Gregory Urquiaga/UC Davis)

Quick Summary

  • The state lifts many restrictions but is still sorting out workplace rules
  • UC's vaccination mandate for staff, faculty, students will take effect July 15
  • Not fully vaccinated? You must get tested every four days, starting June 18

The state of California officially “reopened” today (June 15), lifting many COVID-19 restrictions for the general public. However, the Davis campus of the University of California still has its rules in place — which means, for now, face coverings and physical distancing are required.

“The state is still sorting out workplace rules, and we hope to have updated guidance for the Davis campus community by the end of this week,” said Kelly Ratliff, vice chancellor of Finance, Operations and Administration, who leads the initiative. “Please bear with us a little while longer.”

The campus also is preparing for UC’s vaccine mandate, due to take effect July 15. As announced by Chancellor Gary S. May in his Friday letter last week:

“I have been telling you about and encouraging everyone to get vaccinated in anticipation of the new policy. The Office of the President released the draft in April and now that the public comment period has closed, I can tell you that the policy will be issued and made final by July 15.

“Vaccinations can save lives — I have been saying it, our UC Davis Health experts have been saying it. We encourage you to get your shots to help protect yourselves, your loved ones and your communities. Vaccines for ages 12 and up are available on the Davis campus and through UC Davis Health. , or by calling My Turn, 833-422-4255.

“Under the forthcoming vaccine policy, UC will allow narrow medical exemptions and consider requests for accommodations based on disability or religious belief. Look for general implementation guidance and campus-specific guidance by mid-July.”

Verifying your vax status

When you are fully vaccinated, here’s how to provide that information to the campus:

  • Option 1 — Starting this Friday (June 18), you can sign a consent form in the to provide access to your vaccine status via the California Immunization Registry database (CAIR2). This option will quickly and automatically verify your vaccine status with campus. Additional instructions on how to complete this option will be released on June 18. Please note that this option is available only if you received your vaccine in California.
  • Option 2 — Self-report through the . Click on the new blue bar labeled “Enter My COVID-19 Vaccination Information” — vaccine type and date(s), and images (front and back) of your vaccine card. Your self-reported information will be verified at a later date. (If you have already submitted this information, then you should see your COVID-19 vaccination status marked “Compliant” in the “Medical Clearances” section of Health-e-Messaging.)

Updated testing guidance

Employees and students on the Davis campus who verify they have been fully vaccinated will be exempt from further testing.

If you are not fully vaccinated, and you are accessing Davis campus facilities, you will be required to get tested for COVID-19 at least every four days (roughly two times per week), starting this Friday (June 18). This revision to the current weekly testing requirement is in alignment with that frequent COVID-19 testing contributes to low case rates in a ԹϺ setting.


Media Resources

Dateline Staff: Dave Jones, editor, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu; Cody Kitaura, News and Media Relations specialist, 530-752-1932, kitaura@ucdavis.edu.

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