New students turn Pavilion into a chat room: 'What's on your academic bucket list?'

Be an awesome aggie :)

About 4,000 first-years and transfers texted their way through what is shaping up to be a new UC Davis tradition: the New Student Celebration.

Become the best student UC Davis has ever seen and blow everyones mind away.

The texts appeared on the giant screens in The Pavilion all during the Sept. 20 celebration, as students responded to the question: “What’s on your academic bucket list?”

Read lots of books and poetry.

Represent UC Davis on Jeopardy!

Pass all my classes.


And, a couple of texts later (they came in at the rate of about 65 a minute, more than 3,800 altogether during the one-hour program):

get a 4.0.

make the dean’s list.

Speak at graduation.

Get into UC Davis Med Skool!

But first things first:

Fill up the fridge ;)

Get my textbooks tomorrow.

Not spend all my money on textbooks.

Figure out moobilenet D:

Media Resources

Susanne Rockwell, Web and new media editor, (530) 752-2542, sgrockwell@ucdavis.edu

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