NEWS BRIEFS: Doggy Dash 5K makes for Labor Day of love

Photo: Charlie K-9 mugshot
Photo: Charlie K-9 mugshot

Labor Day may be a day off from work, but not from walking your dog! Better yet: How about a run with your dog in support of UC Davis’ for the care of police dogs?

See UC Davis K-9 Charlie at Central Park, Sept. 7.

The Doggy Dash 5K will be among the this coming Monday (Sept. 7) in Davis. All races will start and finish at Central Park, Third and C streets.

The is sponsoring the Doggy Dash, as well as children’s activities and games, and giveaways.

Actiivities at the park also will include a health and fitness expo, food trucks and music, and animal- and health-related vendor booths. UC Davis veterinarians and veterinary students will answer questions and provide animal care tips.

And police officers and their K-9s from UC Davis and elsewhere will put on demonstrations. Charlie from the campus PD will be among participating dogs.

The Doggy Dash entry fee is $30 through Thursday (Sept. 3), or $32 the day of the event. The fee includes a T-shirt. P.S. You don’t have to run with your dog; a walk will be just as good! All dogs must be on leashes.

The School of Veterinary Medicine and the campus Police Department made matching donations of $25,000 to establish the Faithful Partner Fund earlier this year, to assist in covering the costs of treating K-9 officers as well as search and rescue dogs, wounded or injured in the line of duty.

Starting times for the Labor Day Races: Doggy Dash 5K, 7:45 a.m.; 5K and 10K, 8:45 a.m.; and 1K Kids Fun Run, 10:30 a.m.

The includes a “live tracker,” plus live audio streaming of seminfinals and live video streaming of finals.

Let the new year begin

August is over, Sept. 1 is here — time to put your new UC Davis poster calendar on your office wall! They arrived last week and are available for purchase in all .

Also, deliveries are underway and should be completed by Wednesday (Sept. 2) in fulfillment of preorders that came in by Aug. 26. Other orders are due to go out later this week.

Rolled calendars are available at the main store (in its temporary location in the Memorial Union's east wing) and Downtown Store, and folded calendars are available at the Welcome Center and Pro Shop (at the Actiities and Recreation Center).

The cost is the same as last year: $1.89 each, folded or rolled.

UC Davis Stores upped its order this year to 4,500, and expects to sell 3,600 to departments, said Sarah Brodberg, buyer.

Departments still wishing to place orders should contact Brodberg by email. Purchases are eligible for the 10 percent departmental discount.

For the second year in a row, the calendar features a “One” theme, in connection with the “One UC Davis” campaign. This year’s artwork (by Jay leek of Strategic Communications) presents a fun challenge: See if you can identify all of the individual objects that make up the letters “o,” “n” and “e,” and the years “2015-16.”

La Mini Escuela de Medicina en Español

With only 100 spots available, you’d better hurry if you want to sign up for the UC Davis Health System’s annual la Mini Escuela de Medicina en Español (Mini-Medical School in Spanish), scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 12.

The course is aimed at middle-aged and older adults and caregivers, providing them the opportunity to learn leading-edge, health-related practical information. Discussion topics include vascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and the co-occurrence of diabetes and depression.

This particular course is unique in the nation, in that the program is presented in Spanish.

The organizers said Julie A. Freischlag, vice chancellor for Human Health Sciences and dean of the School of Medicine, will give opening remarks. Other presenters include Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, director of the Center for Reducing Health Disparities and professor of clinical internal medicine; Javier López, assistant professor, molecular and cellular cardiology; Julieta Dominguez-Jones, family physician, Sutter Medical Group; and Esther Lara, clinical social worker, Alzheimer’s Disease Center.

The Spanish Mini-Medical School will be held from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the UC Davis MIND Institute, 2825 50th St., Sacramento. Registration begins at 8 a.m. with opening remarks at 8:30 a.m. Continental breakfast and lunch are included.

People will be admitted at the door if space is available; however, it’s best to preregister by calling (916) 734-5243. You can speak Spanish or English when registering.

Blood draw nets 229 pints

BloodSource says thank you, Davis campus, for donating 229 pints of blood over two (very warm) days, Aug. 26-27.

“We registered 315 participants and collected 229 pints of lifesaving blood,” said Felicia Roper of BloodSource. “We also had seven platelet donors and had 16 folks sign up on the Be the Match bone marrow registry.”

BloodSource will return Tuesday-Wednesday, Nov. 3-4, for the eighth annual Causeway Classic Blood Drive.

Media Resources

Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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