Principles of Community Week: 'This Is Who We Are'

Every year around this time we celebrate Principles of Community Week — a time to renew our commitment to the principles and declare, “This is who we aspire to be.” This year's Principles of Community Week, Feb. 29-March 4, also allows us to make a statement about the suspected hate crime of Feb. 15, to declare, “This is NOT who we are.”

“As recent events at UC Davis remind us, we still have a lot of work to do in establishing a campus climate that fully lives up to our Principles of Community and treats everyone with the dignity and respect they deserve,” Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi said.

“To be the kind of campus we all want requires vigilance and ongoing work from all of us. A week of events drawing attention to our Principles of Community is a good way to reinforce our collective values and demonstrate again why they are so important, on and off campus.”

UC Davis established the in 1990. As part of last year’s 25th anniversary celebration, we reaffirmed the Principles of Community, updated the language in a few places and added a prologue. It reads, in part:

“We recognize that to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community, we must understand and value both our individual differences and our common ground. The UC Davis Principles of Community is an aspirational statement that embodies this commitment, and reflects the ideals we seek to uphold.”

Here is the Principles of Community Week schedule. The Staff Diversity Event is restricted to staff; all other events are free and open to the public.

Monday, Feb. 29

Multicultural Awareness Night — With entertainment, door prizes and free refreshments, as well as a presentation by campus police cadets. 6:30-8:30 p.m., multipurpose room, .

Tuesday, March 1

Staff Diversity Event — Hosted by the Staff Diversity Administrative Advisory Committee, providing an opportunity to meet members of the Staff Diversity Administrative Advisory Committee and other campus constituency groups, and to learn how you can get involved in creating a more welcoming and inclusive campus community. Lunch provided. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., multipurpose room, Student Community Center.  Limited space; .

Mixed Open Mic Night! — “Come spit and share stories surrounding your identifies.” Poetry, prose, comedy, music and other expressive art forms encouraged. All identities welcome! Featuring poets Super B and MC Prototype. Sponsored by the Cross Cultural Center. 7-9 p.m., MU II, . Sign-ups 6:45 p.m. Refreshments provided.

Wednesday, March 2

"Intersections of Judaism" — Panel discussion featuring a diverse series of narratives from the UC Davis Jewish community. Sponsored by the Cross Cultural Center. 1:30-3 p.m., Meeting Room D, Student Community Center.

"Dialogue on Faith, Nonfaith and Community" — Share your experiences, learn from other people’s experiences. Engage in dialogue about what it means for UC Davis to be a community welcoming to people of nonfaith and every faith. Sponsored by Campus Dialogue and Deliberation, and Sustained Dialogue at UC Davis. 6:30-8:30 p.m., multipurpose room, Student Community Center. Refreshments provided.

Workshop with UC Berkeley’s Interactive Theatre Program — Combining live performance and audience participation, designed to address problematic encounters among faculty, students and staff. Presented by the Office of Campus Community Relations, Student Assistants to the Chancellor and the Cross Cultural Center. 6:30-8:30 p.m., AGR Room, . Refreshments provided.

Thursday, March 3

Combined Destinies book discussion and interactive activity — Editor-authors Ann Todd Jealous and Caroline T. Haskell will give a presentation on Combined Destinies: Whites Sharing Grief About Racism. Jealous and Haskell, experienced psychotherapists skilled at facilitating dialogue about racial issues, will read selections from the book and invite audience members to explore their own experiences. Sponsored by the Office of Campus Community Relations, Student Assistants to the Chancellor and the Cross Cultural Center. 6:30-8:30 p.m., Meeting Room D, Student Community Center.




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