Public Lecture: Higher Dimensions

Photo: woman's face
Lisa Randall

Jan. 10, Tuesday -- Are there hidden dimensions of space and time beyond the four that we know? Could a universe in another dimension explain phenomena in our universe? Lisa Randall, professor of theoretical physics at Harvard University, will talk about these and related questions in a public lecture based on her recent book, "Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Higher Dimensions" (Ecco, 2005). Her talk will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the ARC Ballroom, UC Davis campus. Admission is $7, free for UC Davis students. This lecture is sponsored by the High Energy Frontier Theory Initiative and the Department of Physics at UC Davis.

Media Resources

Andy Fell, Research news (emphasis: biological and physical sciences, and engineering), 530-752-4533, ahfell@ucdavis.edu

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