Record applications make major gains in diversity

fall colors and students
Students walk on campus during the fall quarter of 2012.

A record high of nearly 70,000 students have applied for fall 2013 admission to the University of California, Davis, representing impressive gains in national and international applicants as well as those from historically underrepresented groups.

Overall, UC Davis received 69,642 applications for fall 2013 enrollment, 11.4 percent more than last fall's 62,515. UC Davis received the sixth largest number of total applicants of all nine undergraduate UC campuses. UCLA received the largest number, at 99,559.

At UC Davis, international applications increased by more than 65 percent for freshman status and 23 percent for transfer status — the highest percentage increase for international transfer applicants in the UC system.

In addition, the percentage increase in applicants from historically underserved groups rose by double digits among both California residents applying for freshman status and students seeking to transfer from a California community college.

“The record number of applicants for fall 2013 clearly demonstrates UC Davis’ reputation as a global destination and world-class ԹϺ,” said Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi. “We are attracting a diverse, ever-increasing group of future innovators and leaders.”

U.S. News & World Report ranks UC Davis eighth overall among all U.S. public research universities and, in January, reported that UC Davis had received the nation's ninth highest number of freshman applications for fall 2011 (45,806). 

Applications from high school seniors applying for freshman status saw an increase of about 13.1 percent, from 49,389 last year to 55,877 this year.

A total of 13,765 prospective transfer students applied from another college or ԹϺ, a 4.9 percent increase from last fall's 13,126.

Freshman applications

International applications for freshman status increased from 4,085 to 6,747. National, or out-of-state, applications increased 21.5 percent to 3,384. The number of applications from California residents increased 7.6 percent to 45,746.

Those from historically underserved groups -- African American, American Indian and Chicano/Latino -- increased 12.4 percent; they account for 30.0 percent, or 13,710, of all California resident applicants. Last year, they accounted for 28.7 percent.

Transfer applications

Among UC campuses, UC Davis had the highest percentage increase among international transfer applications at 23.1 percent. A total of 2,042 applied to transfer for fall 2013, compared with 1,659 for fall 2012.

Applications numbered 11,541 from California residents and 182 from elsewhere in the United States.

Among domestic transfer applicants from California community colleges, those from historically underserved groups increased 14.5 percent; they account for 27.6 percent, or 2,909, of all domestic transfer applicants from California community colleges. Last year, they accounted for 24.4 percent.

Offers of admission

UC Davis’ Office of Undergraduate Admissions now uses what is known as a "holistic review” process to review every freshman fall application. Every application is read thoroughly taking into account 14 factors, including, in addition to scholastic achievement — the most important component — community service, special talents and socioeconomic background.

Admission notifications will be released for all freshman applicants on March 15 and for transfer applicants on April 19.

Undergraduate Admissions encourages applicants to UC Davis to create a MyAdmissions account now so that they can easily check their application status online. To create an account, go to .

UC Davis enrollment targets for 2013 have not yet been set; in fall 2012, UC Davis enrolled 5,208 new freshmen and 2,908 new transfer students.

Systemwide applications

Systemwide, UC's unduplicated applications are up 8.6 percent overall, from 160,939 for fall 2012 to 174,767 for fall 2013. A total of 139,758 students applied for freshman status, a 10.7 percent increase compared with last year's 126,299. Transfer applications rose 1.1 percent, from 34,640 last year to 35,009.

Systemwide increases compared with last fall’s application totals in residency categories include 4.6 percent overall for California residents, 13.8 percent overall for national applicants, and 30.9 percent overall for international residents.

Statistics for Davis and the UC system are available at .

Media Resources

Julia Ann Easley, General news (emphasis: business, K-12 outreach, education, law, government and student affairs), 530-752-8248, jaeasley@ucdavis.edu

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