Trainings: UCPath and ‘Gatekeeper’

Hands pull paper paycheck from envelope.
UCPath payroll system will send paper paychecks by U.S. mail; you can void the delay by signing up for direct deposit. If you are already signed up, you’re fine — everything stays the same.

Quick Summary

  • UCPath: New payroll-personnel system goes live Oct. 1 at UC Davis, UC Davis Health and ANR
  • “Gatekeeper Training”: For TAs, faculty and staff, to assist students in accessing mental health resources

Town halls have been scheduled anew to bring employees up to speed on , which, after having been delayed in the spring, is now due to go live Oct. 1 at UC Davis, UC Davis Health, and Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Some 35,000 employees will be switching to the new computer system for payroll and personnel services.

Organizers said the town halls will provide information on how to access UCPath, what’s new and different about paychecks, where to go to view benefits and update personal information, and much more. Presentations will be the same at each town hall — so employees need to attend only one.


Starting Oct. 1, they’ll come by U.S. mail. Avoid the delay by signing up for direct deposit (deadlines: July 31 for monthly pay, Aug. 20 for biweekly pay). If you already have direct deposit, you’re fine — everything stays the same.

Town halls will run for one hour and will include time for questions.

The Davis campus schedule will begin with a session for managers and supervisors, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 17, in-person (Ballroom B at the ) or onlinevia Zoom (call 877-369-0926, enter Meeting ID 123 801 566).

After that, nine trainings for all employees will be held almost weekly through September, mostly on Tuesdays, with varying start times (from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m.) to accommodate varying shifts.

The first two town halls for all will be Tuesday, July 23, and Wednesday, Aug. 7. Then, town halls will be held weekly from Aug. 13 to Sept. 25.

UC Davis Health town halls are scheduled weekly from Aug. 13 to Sept. 16.

‘Gatekeepers’ for mental health

“Gatekeeper Training” for staff members and teaching assistants and other faculty will be presented three times in July.

Offered as part of a study sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs, the free training provides skills and knowledge “to comfortably and confidently speak with students about mental health concerns and refer them to appropriate mental health resources.” The term “gatekeeper” derives from the fact that TAs, faculty and staff often serve as students’ gateways to help.

Here is the upcoming schedule (all sessions to be held at the on the Davis campus)::

  • Tuesday, July 23 — 10 a.m.-noon
  • Thursday, July 25 — 10 a.m.-noon
  • Tuesday, July 30 — 10 a.m.-noon

If you or your department is interested in a training, send an email to the study team, specifying one training date and time. In return, you will receive an email from “Support UCD Wellness Study” with the subject line, “Invitation to a UC Davis Pilot Study of Training to Support Student Mental Health,” and instructions for completing a pretraining questionnaire.

For more information, contact Professor Carolyn Dewa by email.

Media Resources

Dateline Staff, 530-752-6556, dateline@ucdavis.edu

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