UC Davis Holds Talk on School Violence: ‘Guns and America After Parkland’

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“The Campus Conversation: Guns and America After Parkland,” will feature six faculty sharing their knowledge and expertise in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School incident in Parkland, Florida, in February, and other recent school shootings. Experts who teach in the fields of emergency medicine, psychiatry, history, sociology and law will share their perspectives.


Thursday, April 26, noon-2 p.m.



  • , assistant clinical professor of psychiatry, UC Davis Health, will address “Firearm Violence and Mental Illness”
  • , School of Law professor: “The Second Amendment: Rhetorical Certainty but Constitutional Confusion”
  • , associate professor of sociology, College of Letters and Science: “Social Networks and Threatening Students”
  • , assistant professor of history, College of Letters and Science: “The Unsurprising and Totally Racist History of Gun Violence”
  • , professor of history, College of Letters and Science, “Guns and Conspiracy Theories”
  • , director, University of California Firearm Violence Research Center at UC Davis, emergency medicine, UC Davis Health: “Firearm Violence: From Science to Prevention”


This event, “The Campus Conversation,” is hosted by the UC Davis Humanities Institute, Department of History, Institute for Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, School of Medicine and the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.

Media Resources

Karen Nikos-Rose, UC Davis News and Media Relations, 530-219-5472, kmnikos@ucdavis.edu

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