Welcome Back From Chancellor May

Dear UC Davis Community,

Welcome back from both Thanksgiving break and our extended campus closure. 

It was a difficult decision to cancel classes and close. Campus leaders have not had to make such a decision in more than 30 years. There were no hard-and-fast policies in place, either for our campus or at the University of California system level. We weighed every option at our disposal and every consequence of any decision. We considered the diverse needs and contributions of the 65,000 people who make up our Davis and Sacramento campuses. Ultimately, we reverted to our first priority: the health of our community.

For each of you who supported essential operations during the seven days our campus was closed, we thank you. Because of you, basic student needs were met, technology functioned, and our patients and clients received first-rate care.

The Camp Fire in Butte County is now 100 percent contained. That’s a relief, but let’s not forget the impact the fire has had on an entire community, with losses that are sobering. Some of our community members have felt the effects of this devastation, and they may be continuing to recover or adjust. You — students, faculty, staff and alumni — have been sensitive to this crisis, and you’ve donated your time or money or organized to help communities in need. During difficult times like these, your generosity reminds us of the compassion and kindness that connects us to one another.

I know you’re ready to get back to studying, teaching and research. If you have questions about the remainder of the quarter, please see the information we have posted about academic scheduling and .

If you’re looking for something to celebrate, support the UC Davis football team, which won our first Big Sky Championship and first conference title since 2009. You can purchase tickets to the first postseason playoff game at Aggie Stadium scheduled for this coming Saturday, Dec. 1.

It’s great to see you all. Best wishes for the remainder of the quarter.

Gary S. May

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