Robotics Content / Robotics Content for UC Davis en Eye, Robot: Researchers Give Machines a New Perspective with Active Vision /blog/eye-robot-researchers-give-machines-new-perspective-active-vision <p><span lang="EN-US">When </span><a href=""><span lang="EN-US">Iman Soltani</span></a><span lang="EN-US"> worked in the automotive industry, he studied assembly floors and noticed that each automated task had its specific robotic design.</span></p><p><span lang="EN-US">He also noticed that while a robot would need multiple cameras affixed to several locations for the best possible sightline, an operator on the assembly floor would move their head and neck to get the best view as they manipulated components.</span></p> November 26, 2024 - 2:46pm Andy Fell /blog/eye-robot-researchers-give-machines-new-perspective-active-vision UC Davis C-STEM Trains Redlands Teachers on Bringing Computer Science Into Math /curiosity/news/uc-davis-c-stem-trains-redlands-teachers-bringing-computer-science-math <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Twenty-five teachers from Redlands Unified School District in southern California recently completed training in integrating computer science into math education through a joint program offered by the University of California, Davis, and UC Riverside Extension.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> June 01, 2023 - 11:11am Andy Fell /curiosity/news/uc-davis-c-stem-trains-redlands-teachers-bringing-computer-science-math C-STEM Center Offers Webinars, Professional Development for Math Teachers /news/c-stem-center-offers-webinars-professional-development-math-teachers <p>As schools, parents and students grapple with how to recover from the pandemic, the Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education at the University of California, Davis, is offering free webinars and online professional development for teachers.</p> <p>The C-STEM Engaged Learning Spotlight webinar series, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday, will highlight experience and accomplishments with the C-STEM Program. Teachers and administrators share their work and outcomes.</p> May 18, 2020 - 12:47pm Andy Fell /news/c-stem-center-offers-webinars-professional-development-math-teachers C-STEM Center Providing Free Tools, Teacher Resources for Distance Learning in Math /coronavirus/news/c-stem-center-providing-free-tools-teacher-resources-distance-learning-math <p>With many K-12 schools closed nationwide, teachers and students can now get free access to tools for online learning in mathematics and computer science from the Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education, or C-STEM,&nbsp;at the University of California, Davis.&nbsp;</p> <p>The California Department of Education has told school districts to plan for distance learning, said C-STEM Center Director Harry Cheng, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at UC Davis.</p> March 25, 2020 - 5:29pm Andy Fell /coronavirus/news/c-stem-center-providing-free-tools-teacher-resources-distance-learning-math University of Redlands Hosts UC Davis Symposium on Robotics in Math Teaching /news/ԹϺ-redlands-hosts-uc-davis-symposium-robotics-math-teaching <p>Using robotics to close the achievement gap in mathematics education is the goal of a one-day symposium at the University of Redlands Feb. 24. Organized by the C-STEM Center at the University of California, Davis, in collaboration with Redlands Unified School District and the University of Redlands, the meeting will bring together teachers, administrators and other educators to share experiences and hands-on training in using coding and robotics as tools to teach math.&nbsp;</p> February 04, 2020 - 1:45pm Andy Fell /news/ԹϺ-redlands-hosts-uc-davis-symposium-robotics-math-teaching Robot Arm Tastes With Engineered Bacteria /news/robot-arm-tastes-engineered-bacteria <p>A robotic gripping arm that uses engineered bacteria to “taste” for a specific chemical has been developed by engineers at the University of California, Davis, and Carnegie Mellon University. The gripper is a proof-of-concept for biologically-based soft robotics.&nbsp;</p> June 26, 2019 - 1:49pm Andy Fell /news/robot-arm-tastes-engineered-bacteria C-STEM Schools Robotics Competition is Saturday /news/c-stem-schools-robotics-competition-saturday <p>About 700 elementary, middle and high school students from schools across California will show off their skills in robotics and programming this Saturday, May 18 at the 2019 C-STEM Center RoboPlay Challenge Competition. The competition runs all day in the ARC Pavilion on the UC Davis campus and at University High School in Irvine.</p> May 15, 2019 - 10:48am Andy Fell /news/c-stem-schools-robotics-competition-saturday RoboPlay Competition for K-12 Students Is May 19 /news/roboplay-competition-k-12-students-may-19-0 <p>The 2018 C-STEM Center RoboPlay Challenge Competition for elementary, middle and high school students will be held Saturday, May 19, at the ARC Pavilion, University of California, Davis, and at University High School in Irvine, California. The center also is announcing the free Girls in Robotics Leadership summer camps and professional development opportunities for teachers.&nbsp;</p> May 08, 2018 - 9:34am Andy Fell /news/roboplay-competition-k-12-students-may-19-0 C-STEM Day Is May 20 /news/c-stem-day-may-20 <p>The seventh annual <a href="">C-STEM Day and RoboPlay Competition</a> will take place at UC Davis and in Orange County on Saturday, May 20. Elementary, middle&nbsp;and high school students who have been taking classes developed by the&nbsp;<a href="">UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education</a>&nbsp;over the past year will gather to show off their skills in robotics, programming and math.&nbsp;</p> May 15, 2017 - 3:59pm Andy Fell /news/c-stem-day-may-20 Coding for All With Free C-STEM Studio for Raspberry Pi /news/coding-all-free-c-stem-studio-raspberry-pi <p>The free and user-friendly C-STEM Studio suite for teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics through computing and robotics is now available for&nbsp;ultra-low-cost Raspberry Pi computers, in addition to Windows and Mac operating systems.</p> <p>C-STEM Studio, developed by the Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education at the University of California, Davis, includes software and textbooks, and can be used to control real and “virtual” Barobo Linkbots and Lego Mindstorms robots.</p> March 14, 2017 - 4:38pm Andy Fell /news/coding-all-free-c-stem-studio-raspberry-pi