New Exhibits Content / New Exhibits Content for UC Davis en Guide: UC Davis Picnic Day 2019 /news/insiders-guide-uc-davis-picnic-day <p>With more than <a href="/node/21573">200 events</a>, the only dilemma you'll encounter at the <a href="">UC Davis Picnic Day</a> will be figuring out which events not to miss.</p> <p>Luckily, that's where we can help. Using either (or both) the&nbsp;<a href="">UC Davis Campus Map</a> or our <a href="/campus-life/traditions/picnic-day-highlights/calendar/">Picnic Day Calendar</a>, you'll spend less time wondering what to do and more time&nbsp;enjoying all the attractions our students and staff have to offer.</p> April 02, 2019 - 10:00am Anonymous /news/insiders-guide-uc-davis-picnic-day 8 New UC Davis Picnic Day Exhibits to See in 2016 /news/8-new-uc-davis-picnic-day-exhibits-see-2016 <p>Every Picnic Day, thousands of visitors flock to UC Davis to see what the campus has to showcase. The 102nd Picnic Day will feature more than 200 exhibits and animal events including classics like the Frisbee Dog Contest and Maggot Art. This year, there are more than 20 new events to give you something new to experience at Picnic Day. Here are our top picks:</p> <h2><strong>1. Chase the toxins</strong></h2> <p><strong><img alt="chase the toxins" height="417" src="/sites/default/files/news/enhanced-12544-1460562804-1.jpg" width="625"></strong></p> April 14, 2016 - 1:54pm Lindsey Alexandra OTousa /news/8-new-uc-davis-picnic-day-exhibits-see-2016