Task Force Content / Task Force Content for UC Davis en A Decade of Listening and Action /news/decade-listening-and-acting Lessons from Nov. 18, 2011, continue to shape UC Davis' progressive campus safety reform and focus on student basic needs to this day. November 16, 2021 - 1:54pm Dave Jones /news/decade-listening-and-acting Addressing Our Students’ Basic Needs /news/addressing-students-basic-needs <p>The campus is on track to have a plan by next summer to implement the recommendations of three task forces focused on the basic needs of students.</p> <p>A new working group, the Basic Needs Oversight Committee, will oversee the implementation of the task forces’ recommendations on the topics of affordable housing, food security and mental health.</p> November 06, 2018 - 10:30am Cody Kitaura /news/addressing-students-basic-needs UC Davis Chancellor Convenes Task Forces on Important Campus Services /news/uc-davis-chancellor-convenes-task-forces-important-campus-services <p>Chancellor Gary S. May of the University of California, Davis, has established three task forces of students, faculty and staff to examine affordable student housing, food security and mental health care.</p> <p>“These are issues that have tremendous impact on our community,” the chancellor said. “UC Davis has a great many services and resources available to our students, but it’s not a static landscape.</p> <p>“How can we continue to provide the resources our students need effectively and efficiently? That’s what I’m asking the task force members to help me determine.”</p> February 11, 2018 - 4:38pm Kimberly L Hale /news/uc-davis-chancellor-convenes-task-forces-important-campus-services Use of pepper spray not justified, concludes Reynoso task force /news/use-pepper-spray-not-justified-concludes-task-force <p>The long-awaited <a href="http://demonstrationreviews.ucdavis.edu/local_resources/pdf_documents/reynoso-report.pdf">Reynoso task force report</a> released on April 11 criticized the UC Davis administration and police for the pepper spray incident of Nov. 18, while recommending a series of reforms to make the ԹϺ a model for free speech.</p> <p>The report declared at the outset that the pepper spray event “should and could have been prevented.”</p> April 12, 2012 - 12:00am IET WebDev /news/use-pepper-spray-not-justified-concludes-task-force