California Civic Engagement Project Content
California Civic Engagement Project Content for UC DavisenNew Online Tool Maps Link Between Vulnerable Communities and Voter Turnout
<p>This Sunday the California Civic Engagement Project, or CCEP, at the University of California, Davis, in partnership with the Office of the California Secretary of State, is launching a new, public interactive web platform that maps the relationship between voter turnout and the economic, educational and health challenges faced by vulnerable communities across the state.</p>October 28, 2016 - 12:19pmKimberly L Hale/news/new-interactive-web-platform-demonstrates-link-between-voter-turnout-and-community-challengesYoung and Latinos Voted in Higher Numbers in 2016 Primary Election
<p>New data released today by the nonpartisan California Civic Engagement Project at UC Davis show that young and Latino voters in the state turned out in relatively high numbers for the June presidential primary election, significantly narrowing the participation gap for these historically underrepresented groups. </p>October 12, 2016 - 11:09amKimberly L Hale/news/latino--young-voters-voted-higher-numbers-2016-primary-electionAfrican American Voters Express Concerns About Possible Vote Centers in California
<p>The California Legislature recently sent a package of election reforms known as SB 450, or the Vote Center Model, to Gov. Jerry Brown for his consideration. This legislation, based on a model recently implemented in Colorado, aims to increase voter turnout in California while also reducing the cost of running elections.</p>September 15, 2016 - 11:18amKimberly L Hale/news/african-american-voters-express-concerns-about-possible-vote-centers-californiaNew Vote Center Elections Model Could Widen Participation Gap in California
<p>The California state Legislature is in the process of considering a package of election reforms known as SB 450, or the Vote Center Model. This legislation, based on a model that was recently implemented in Colorado, is aimed at increasing voter turnout in the Golden State.</p>July 27, 2016 - 3:37pmKimberly L Hale/news/new-vote-center-elections-model-could-widen-participation-gap-californiaUC Davis Capitol Speakers Series: Election Reforms
<p>Could this election bring record voter turnout for California? How will recent election reforms impact voter turnout in the upcoming 2016 elections? Mindy Romero, founder and director of the California Civic Engagement Project, or CCEP, at the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, will present new research on recent California election reforms. This research examines the recent surge in online voter registration in the state, vote-by-mail use and the potential effect of possible new reforms on California's historically low national ranking in voter turnout. </p>May 18, 2016 - 11:10amLindsey Alexandra OTousa/news/uc-davis-capitol-speakers-seriesUC Davis Election Experts
<p>The following University of California, Davis, researchers are available to comment to media on topics presenting in the upcoming elections. From the history of the political process, to computer security, to conspiracy theories, UC Davis can provide expertise on a variety of issues facing voters. Check the <a href="/news">UC Davis News and Information website</a> for updates to this list.</p>May 04, 2016 - 2:41pmLindsey Alexandra OTousa/news/uc-davis-election-experts