Drug Testing Content
Drug Testing Content for UC DavisenUC Davis Experts on Racehorse Health
<p>The following University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine faculty members are available to comment to media on a variety of topics related to racehorse health, ranging from bone and tendon injuries and treatments to drug testing and track safety. For sources on other related topics, contact Amy Quinton, UC Davis News and Media Relations, 530-752-9843, cell 530-601-8077, <a href="mailto:amquinton@ucdavis.edu"><strong>amquinton@ucdavis.edu</strong></a>.</p>May 01, 2020 - 1:57pmAmy M Quinton/news/uc-davis-experts-racehorse-health-0UC Davis Experts on Racehorse Health
<p>UC Davis faculty members offer information on issues related to racehorse health, including bone and tendon injuries and treatment, drug testing, and track safety. </p>May 25, 2016 - 9:05amPatricia Bailey/news/uc-davis-experts-racehorse-health