Digital Textbooks Content / Digital Textbooks Content for UC Davis en Grant to Expand Free STEM Textbook Project /news/grant-expand-free-stem-textbook-project <p>A library of free and open-source educational science and technology resources for college courses will expand thanks to a $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to the <a href="">LibreTexts Project</a>, led by the University of California, Davis.</p> October 09, 2018 - 12:20pm Andy Fell /news/grant-expand-free-stem-textbook-project Campus Store to Reopen in Memorial Union June 6 /news/campus-store-reopen-memorial-union-june-6 <p>UC Davis’ main bookstore reopens next Monday (June 6) with a new name, a new look and a bevy of new features.</p> <p>The Campus Store is part of a <a href="/node/42262">Memorial Union renovation that began in March 2015</a> and is due for completion by the end of this year. &nbsp;The store is the first section to be finished, which means textbook sales are coming back from their temporary home in The Pavilion and the contractor can start work in the union’s east wing, which has been the temporary home for much of the rest of the store.</p> May 31, 2016 - 9:55am Cody Kitaura /news/campus-store-reopen-memorial-union-june-6