Historic Places Content / Historic Places Content for UC Davis en How Do Pilgrimage Sites Arise? /curiosity/blog/how-do-pilgrimage-sites-arise <p dir="ltr"><span>Pilgrimages are ubiquitous across all major world religions. From the&nbsp;</span><a href="https://lettersandsciencemag.ucdavis.edu/self-society/connecting-indias-hindu-past-and-present-ganges-river-during-kumbh-mela"><span>Kumbh Mela</span></a><span>, a Hindu festival on the banks of India’s Ganges River, to Mecca, the birthplace of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, millions of people travel to various sites across the globe to engage in rituals and connect with their faith.</span></p> March 04, 2025 - 8:12am Jamie Sara Gelfond /curiosity/blog/how-do-pilgrimage-sites-arise Chicago Cafe: California’s Oldest Chinese Restaurant /curiosity/news/chicago-cafe-is-oldest-chinese-restaurant-in-california Learn how the family-owned Chicago Cafe has withstood the test of time and Asian hate to become one of the country's most historic Chinese restaurants. January 22, 2024 - 10:00am Jocelyn C Anderson /curiosity/news/chicago-cafe-is-oldest-chinese-restaurant-in-california Famous ‘Temporary Building’ at UC Davis Placed on National Register of Historic Places /news/famous-temporary-building-uc-davis-placed-national-register-historic <p>During the 1960s the University of California, Davis, began building an art department that turned out like no other. Much of that early work took place in Temporary Building 9, a metal structure at Old Davis Road and Hutchison Drive. TB 9 —&nbsp;as it was dubbed — has been nationally recognized for its importance in art history with its inclusion on the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.nps.gov/nr////feature/places/16000153.htm">National Register of Historic Places</a>&nbsp;and the California Register of Historical Resources.</p> June 20, 2016 - 12:28pm Patricia Bailey /news/famous-temporary-building-uc-davis-placed-national-register-historic