Blood Drive Content / Blood Drive Content for UC Davis en Sac State Bests UC Davis in Causeway Classic Blood Drive /news/sac-state-bests-uc-davis-causeway-classic-blood-drive <p>There’s still nearly a month to go before <a href=";og=-1">UC Davis and Sacramento State face off on the football field</a>, but one Causeway Classic has already been decided: the Causeway Classic Blood Drive.</p> October 29, 2019 - 11:00am Cody Kitaura /news/sac-state-bests-uc-davis-causeway-classic-blood-drive Blood Drive Shares in Excitement Over Football /news/blood-drive-shares-excitement-over-football <p>Eager fans who can’t wait for the Causeway Classic football game have a chance to beat Sac State on a different kind of field next week: in bloodmobiles stationed around the Quad for the three-day Causeway Classic Blood Drive.</p> October 30, 2018 - 12:23pm Dave Jones /news/blood-drive-shares-excitement-over-football One Causeway Classic Down, One to Go /news/one-causeway-classic-down-one-go <p>The Aggies and Hornets will face each other this weekend on the football field, but one Causeway Classic contest has already been decided.</p> <p>UC Davis defeated Sacramento State in the 10th annual Causeway Classic Blood Drive, in which the ԹϺ with the most participants in its on-campus blood drive and at donation centers around the region wins the perpetual trophy.</p> <p>“Yes, Aggies, that means that UC Davis still holds the title as the Causeway Classic Blood Drive Champion and now leads this competition, 6-4,” Felicia LaMothe of BloodSource said in an email message.</p> November 14, 2017 - 1:00pm Cody Kitaura /news/one-causeway-classic-down-one-go Chancellor Boosts Blood Drive: Save Lives and #BeatSacState /news/chancellor-blood-drive-save-lives-beat-sac-state <p>Chancellor Gary S. May knows full well the Causeway Classic isn’t just about football. We also have the Causeway Classic Blood Drive — and the chancellor stopped by this afternoon (Nov. 7) to show his support.</p> <p>The blood bank runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through Thursday (Nov. 7-9) in bloodmobiles on both sides of the Quad. We’re in the 10th year of this annual competition with Sacramento State, to see which campus can bring out the most donors.</p> November 07, 2017 - 9:39am Dave Jones /news/chancellor-blood-drive-save-lives-beat-sac-state NEWS BRIEFS: Blood Drive Wednesday-Thursday /news/news-briefs-blood-drive-wednesday-thursday <p>Winter storms hammering the region have been good for ski resorts but bad for blood banks, which are seeing a decline in donors due to weather and illness.</p> <p>This week, the UC Davis community has a chance to bolster the Northern California supply, by visiting the bloodmobiles on the Quad, Wednesday and Thursday (Jan. 18-19). Hours will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and, as always, staff and faculty can go to the head of the line to minimize their wait times.</p> January 17, 2017 - 11:52am Dave Jones /news/news-briefs-blood-drive-wednesday-thursday NEWS BRIEFS: Diversity-Inclusion Plan Up for Review /news/news-briefs-clown-sightings-reported-campus <p>A draft of the campus’s new Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan will be the subject of a community forum from 5 to 7 p.m. this Thursday (Oct. 27).</p> <p>The committee behind the plan is seeking additional feedback on top of what has come in online. <a href="">The draft plan is posted here</a>, on a page that includes a “Submit your feedback” button.</p> October 25, 2016 - 12:00pm Hailey Rose Jenkins /news/news-briefs-clown-sightings-reported-campus Painted Piano, Data Win, Cochlear Implants: Dateline Download /news/painted-piano-data-win-cochlear-implants <p>The arboretum is a good place for making music, on guitars and drums and other easily transportable instruments — and, now, there’s even a piano for anyone to play, thanks to the city of Davis’ summertime public piano program. In photo above, Casey Davis, a student academic specialist in the Student Academic Success Center, takes a turn at the keyboard during the Folk Music Jam Session on July 1.</p> July 12, 2016 - 9:00am Dave Jones /news/painted-piano-data-win-cochlear-implants