Farmers Content / Farmers Content for UC Davis en Maximizing Use of Water Stored in Soil Could Result in Savings for Farmers /food/news/maximizing-use-water-stored-soil-could-result-savings-farmers <p>As California faces more frequent and severe droughts, agriculture, which relies on irrigation from surface water and groundwater, could become expensive and unsustainable. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, looked at using a “free” resource — rain water stored in the soil — and found that optimizing its use could go a long way to help meet demand for five California perennial crops. Their findings appear in the journal <em>Environmental Research Letters</em>.</p> May 14, 2019 - 10:00am Amy M Quinton /food/news/maximizing-use-water-stored-soil-could-result-savings-farmers California Farmers Have Raised Wages, But Still Unable to Find Enough Workers /food/news/california-farmers-have-raised-wages-still-unable-find-enough-workers <p>California farmers are failing to find enough people to pick fruits and vegetables and harvest other crops, and they are offsetting this labor shortage by changing to less labor-intensive crops and adding automation.</p> May 02, 2019 - 11:36am Karen Michele Nikos /food/news/california-farmers-have-raised-wages-still-unable-find-enough-workers Building the Farm /news/building-farm <p><em>As the campus nears its 2008–09 </em><a href=""><strong><em>centennial celebration</em></strong></a><em>, we take a look back at what was happening 100 years ago.</em></p> <p>In name, the first buildings constructed at the University Farm in 1907 sounded like facilities that might have been found on a dairy or county fairground: the creamery, the livestock judging pavilion and two cottages.</p> March 15, 2007 - 4:21pm Susanne Rockwell /news/building-farm