Society Content / Society Content for UC Davis en Muhammad Haroon on How Social Media Algorithms Can Foster Political Radicalization /news/podcasts-and-shows/the-backdrop/episode/muhammad-haroon-social-media-algorithms-political-radicalization A new study from UC Davis suggests that artificial intelligence recommendation algorithms on sites like YouTube and TikTok can play a role in political radicalization. In this episode, UC Davis computer science Ph.D. student Muhammad Haroon, who led the study, discusses how the study was designed, what the team found, and a new digital tool they created to mitigate the radicalizing effect of social media platform AI algorithms. December 13, 2022 - 12:24am Soterios J Johnson /news/podcasts-and-shows/the-backdrop/episode/muhammad-haroon-social-media-algorithms-political-radicalization Baboons on the Move Practice Democracy /news/baboons-move-practice-democracy <p>Looking at a troop of baboons, it’s easy to see who the leaders are. They get the first shot at food and mates, and just act like the bosses. But if you take a closer look, as UC Davis researchers have done, what’s taking place within the group looks a lot more like a democracy.</p> June 18, 2015 - 8:00am Robyn Frances Huey /news/baboons-move-practice-democracy