Travel Content / Travel Content for UC Davis en Travel Like an Aggie: A Student Transportation Guide /admissions/blog/travel-like-an-aggie-a-student-transportation-guide <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>Now that you’ve gotten into UC Davis, you may be wondering how you’re going to get </span></span></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><em><span>around </span></em></span></span></span></span><span><span><span><span><span><span>UC Davis.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> August 02, 2023 - 4:25pm Abigail Julianna Loomis /admissions/blog/travel-like-an-aggie-a-student-transportation-guide Will Knowing a Flight’s Carbon Emissions Change Your Travel Plans? /blog/will-knowing-flights-carbon-emissions-change-your-travel-plans <p><span><span><span>As more people begin booking flights again, many factors come into play—from price to time of day to number of stops. Last month, Google Flights began adding carbon emissions estimates for flights in its search results. </span></span></span></p> <p><span><span><span>Research from UC Davis indicates that consumers are willing to pay more to pollute less during flights and that including such emissions information may help green the aviation industry. </span></span></span></p> November 17, 2021 - 3:13pm Katherine E Kerlin /blog/will-knowing-flights-carbon-emissions-change-your-travel-plans Virtual Travel: This Holiday Season Visit Israel, Palestine /arts/blog/virtual-travel-holiday-season-visit-israel-palestine <h2 class="heading--underline"><strong>Go to Israel with the Arts Blog</strong></h2> <p><em>As a consolation for lack of in-person travel, the Arts Blog has been offering occasional tours of museums, monuments, and other locales that you can take in from the comfort of your own home.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Ordinarily this time of year, many people travel to Israel, whether to see the Dead Sea Scrolls, the holy sites in Jerusalem, or see the various museums and monuments. We also travel over to modern-day Palestine and visit Bethlehem.</em></p> December 14, 2020 - 4:19pm Karen Michele Nikos /arts/blog/virtual-travel-holiday-season-visit-israel-palestine Summer Virtual Travel: Egypt  /arts/blog-summer-virtual-travel-egypt <p><em>The Arts Blog will take you on a global tour&nbsp;from the comfort of your own home. This week’s stop: Egypt.&nbsp;</em></p> September 11, 2020 - 12:10pm Karen Michele Nikos /arts/blog-summer-virtual-travel-egypt How Will Driverless Cars Change How We Travel? /news/how-will-driverless-cars-change-how-we-travel <p>The idea of&nbsp;a completely autonomous vehicle is exciting — and a bit scary. As we envision future advancements on the road, many would like to know just how much driverless cars could change&nbsp;human travel.&nbsp;</p> December 06, 2017 - 3:00pm Allyson Donies Tsuji /news/how-will-driverless-cars-change-how-we-travel