Contest Content
Contest Content for UC DavisenChanges Made to Design Competition to Encourage Entries
<p><strong>Updated July 7:</strong> UC Davis has done a makeover on the competition. To encourage entries, the campus has opened the contest beyond students to include alumni too, extended the deadline to July 19, and enriched the prizes with two $500 Amazon gift cards and more. See the <a href="">updated contest website</a> for rules and judging criteria, schematics and 360-degree photos of the rooms to be designed.</p>
<p><strong>May 10 news release</strong> </p>July 07, 2017 - 12:37pmJulia Ann Easley/news/design-competition-chancellors-residence-gets-makeoverUC Davis grads march to beat of their own song choice
<p>Will it be a song of hard-won victory, enduring love and loyalty, or sheer happiness that accompanies UC Davis graduates as they leave commencement on Saturday, Dec. 12?</p>
<p>In what may become a new tradition, the graduating students are voting among the top three songs that they themselves nominated:</p>December 08, 2015 - 8:47amIET WebDev/news/uc-davis-grads-march-beat-their-own-song-choice