Equity Summit Content / Equity Summit Content for UC Davis en Social Justice Awards Presented /news/social-justice-awards-presented <p><span>UC Davis’<strong> </strong>Hispanic-Serving Institution Community Council, an undergraduate student and a Ph.D. candidate are among the recipients of Social Justice Awards from the ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ’s 12th annual Equity Summit, held May 30.</span></p> <p><span>The Equity Summit is organized by the UC Davis-sponsored <a href="https://www.says.ucdavis.edu/">Sacramento Area Youth Speaks, or SAYS</a>, and sponsored by Undergraduate Admissions; the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and the School of Education.</span></p> June 27, 2023 - 12:37pm Dave Jones /news/social-justice-awards-presented Champions of Social Justice Recognized at UC Davis Equity Summit /news/champions-social-justice-recognized-uc-davis-equity-summit <p>The Equity Summit at UC Davis will present awards to champions of social justice and offer inspiration for attendees.</p> March 02, 2020 - 12:55pm Julia Ann Easley /news/champions-social-justice-recognized-uc-davis-equity-summit UC Davis Event to Honor Activist for Hmong Americans in Education /news/uc-davis-event-honor-activist-hmong-americans-education <p>A&nbsp;doctoral candidate at the University of California, Davis, who designed and taught the first UC Davis course on the Hmong American experience will be one of eight individuals receiving awards at the ninth annual Equity Summit on Tuesday, Feb. 19.&nbsp;</p> February 12, 2019 - 2:51pm Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-davis-event-honor-activist-hmong-americans-education Convicted of Murder as Youth, UC Davis Student to Be Honored for Leadership /news/convicted-murder-youth-uc-davis-student-be-honored-leadership <p>Convicted of murder as a youth, a student at the University of California, Davis, will be honored for his advocacy for juvenile justice reform and co-founding an organization to support fellow students once behind bars.</p> <p>Daniel Mendoza-Jacobo of Woodland, California, will receive the Brandon Harrison Youth Leader/Youth Organizer Award at the eighth annual Equity Summit and Social Justice Awards Celebration at UC Davis on Tuesday, March 13. Eight others working with organizations at UC Davis and in Stockton, San Francisco and Oakland will also receive awards.</p> March 08, 2018 - 5:10pm Julia Ann Easley /news/convicted-murder-youth-uc-davis-student-be-honored-leadership