Elsevier Content / Elsevier Content for UC Davis en Library Provides Tips to Access Elsevier Articles /news/library-provides-tips-access-elsevier-articles <p>Last week, <a href="/news/elsevier-cuts-uc-access-journals">Elsevier discontinued the University of California’s access to 2019 articles</a>, and older articles in <a href="https://www.library.ucdavis.edu/uc-elsevier/no-permanent-access-to-back-issues/">some of its journals</a>. Articles published before 2019 in the vast majority of journals used by UC scholars continue to be available via its online platform, ScienceDirect.</p> July 15, 2019 - 2:50pm Cody Kitaura /news/library-provides-tips-access-elsevier-articles Elsevier Cuts Off UC Access to 2019 Articles /news/elsevier-cuts-uc-access-journals <p>Elsevier is discontinuing the University of California’s access to its 2019 journal articles, the latest development since contract negotiations with the Dutch company <a href="https://www.ԹϺofcalifornia.edu/press-room/uc-terminates-subscriptions-worlds-largest-scientific-publisher-push-open-access-publicly">stalled in February</a>.</p> July 10, 2019 - 4:55pm Cody Kitaura /news/elsevier-cuts-uc-access-journals The Conversation: UC’s Push for Open Access /news/conversation-ucs-push-for-open-access <p>The author is UC Davis’ ԹϺ librarian and vice provost for Digital Scholarship. She wrote this op-ed for <em>The Conversation,</em> an online platform for public discourse. <em>The Conversation</em> posted the op-ed March 7.</p> <p class="text-align-center">•••</p> March 12, 2019 - 6:16am Dave Jones /news/conversation-ucs-push-for-open-access UC Terminates Elsevier Journal Subscriptions /news/uc-terminates-elsevier-journal-subscriptions <p>As a leader in the global movement toward open access to publicly funded research, the University of California is taking a firm stand by deciding not to renew its subscriptions with Elsevier.</p> <section class="wysiwyg-feature-block "> <h3 class="wysiwyg-feature-block__title">UC DAVIS RESOURCES</h3> <div class="wysiwyg-feature-block__body"> <p>The UC Davis Library’s <a href="https://www.library.ucdavis.edu/uc-elsevier/">“UC-Elsevier Negotiations” webpage</a> includes links to:</p></div></section> February 28, 2019 - 11:16am Dave Jones /news/uc-terminates-elsevier-journal-subscriptions Journal Talks and Access Continue /news/journal-talks-access-continue <p><strong>Updated 9:40 a.m. Feb. 5:</strong> The UC-Elsevier talks continue and access continues.</p> <p class="text-align-center">•••</p> <p>Officials with the UC Davis Library and Academic Senate confirmed this afternoon (Jan. 31) that contract negotiations between UC and journal publisher Elsevier will continue beyond today — the last day of a <a href="/news/news-briefs-elsevier-contract-extended-jan-31">one-month contract extension</a> — and that UC still has access to Elsevier journals for now.</p> February 05, 2019 - 2:51pm Dave Jones /news/journal-talks-access-continue NEWS BRIEFS: Elsevier Contract Extended to Jan. 31 /news/news-briefs-elsevier-contract-extended-jan-31 <p>As described in&nbsp;<a href="https://www.library.ucdavis.edu/news/update-on-uc-negotiations-with-elsevier/">an open letter</a>&nbsp;to the UC Davis academic community sent Dec. 28, the University of California is currently in negotiations to renew its systemwide license with scholarly journal publisher Elsevier. UC hopes to reach an agreement with Elsevier that facilitates open access publishing of UC research and contains costs by integrating open access article processing charges, or APCs, and subscription fees into a single contract.</p> January 08, 2019 - 10:58am Dave Jones /news/news-briefs-elsevier-contract-extended-jan-31