Champion Aggies Content / Champion Aggies Content for UC Davis en THE DOWNLOAD: Wrapped Bus, Wedding, Veterinary Oncology /news/download-wrapped-bus-wedding-veterinary-oncology <p>Unitrans riders are getting a lift around Davis from some of UC Davis’ “Champion Aggies.” As part of <a href="/news/new-champion-aggies-campaign-strengthens-awareness-uc-davis-athletics">the new campaign promoting Intercollegiate Athletics</a>, a bus has been wrapped to showcase athletes and some of the sports they play.</p> October 22, 2019 - 11:07am Cody Kitaura /news/download-wrapped-bus-wedding-veterinary-oncology New Champion Aggies Campaign Strengthens Awareness of UC Davis Athletics /news/new-champion-aggies-campaign-strengthens-awareness-uc-davis-athletics <p>UC Davis is known for its world-class academics — with the ԹϺ itself and numerous programs earning top global rankings — and now a new campaign is highlighting the success of the more than 700 student-athletes who have transformed the campus into one of the best Division I athletics programs in the nation.</p> October 11, 2019 - 9:35am Amy E Rafferty /news/new-champion-aggies-campaign-strengthens-awareness-uc-davis-athletics We Are ‘CA’: Champion Aggies, a Cut Above /news/we-are-ca-champion-aggies-cut-above <p>A historic UC Davis logo gained renewed attention last year when ESPN showed football coach Dan Hawkins on the sideline of the Aggies’ first-ever Division I playoff game, proudly pointing to the “CA” on his cap.</p> <p>UC Davis Intercollegiate Athletics, which has totally embraced the logo since then, enters the fall season with a promotional campaign in which “CA” stands for “Champion Aggies” (the campaign’s title), “Cut Above,” “Collectively Amazing,” “Courage Always” and “Challenge Accepted.”</p> September 24, 2019 - 10:16am Dave Jones /news/we-are-ca-champion-aggies-cut-above