Pandemics Content / Pandemics Content for UC Davis en The Hunt Narrows for Ebolavirus Hosts /health/news/hunt-ebolavirus-hosts-narrows <p>Bats are widely recognized as the primary hosts of filoviruses, such as Ebola, yet the specific host species of ebolaviruses are not definitively known. In a study led by the University of California, Davis, and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein), scientists have developed a new tool to narrow down potential host species of filoviruses and better prioritize wildlife surveillance. The research is part of global efforts to prevent viral spillover between animals and humans.</p> January 15, 2025 - 9:30am Katherine E Kerlin /health/news/hunt-ebolavirus-hosts-narrows Bringing COVID-19 Data into Focus /news/bringing-covid-19-data-focus <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>Using an approach based on computer vision technology, researchers can work back from COVID-19 mortality data to see how infection rates changed on the day a lockdown or similar measure was introduced. The approach could be generally useful in future epidemics and pandemics. The work is published July 14 in <a href="">Science Advances</a>. </span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> July 14, 2023 - 1:53pm Andy Fell /news/bringing-covid-19-data-focus New Insight on Maternal Infections and Neurodevelopmental Disorders /news/new-insight-maternal-infections-and-neurodevelopmental-disorders <p>The immune responses of a female mouse before pregnancy can predict how likely her offspring are to have behavioral deficits if the immune system is activated during pregnancy, according to researchers from the Center for Neuroscience at the University of California, Davis. The findings, published April 23 in the journal <a href=""><em>Brain, Behavior, and Immunity</em></a>, could help resolve what role serious infections during pregnancy play in the later development of conditions such as autism and schizophrenia in offspring.</p> May 04, 2020 - 12:23pm Andy Fell /news/new-insight-maternal-infections-and-neurodevelopmental-disorders Coronavirus Information for the UC Davis Campus /health/pandemics/coronavirus/news/coronavirus-information-uc-davis-campus <h2><strong>What UC Davis is doing </strong></h2> <p>The campus and medical center are coordinating&nbsp;with our local public health departments and the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) to provide ongoing clinical guidance.</p> <p>UC Davis is monitoring the situation as it unfolds in California and around the globe and is working closely with the Yolo County Health Department and UCOP to provide our community with the most up-to-date information.</p> <p>UC Davis and UC Davis Health have implemented measures to protect our community.&nbsp;</p> February 25, 2020 - 9:00am Adam Napolitan /health/pandemics/coronavirus/news/coronavirus-information-uc-davis-campus Marburg Virus Found in Sierra Leone Bats /news/marburg-virus-found-sierra-leone-bats <p>Scientists have detected Marburg virus in fruit bats in Sierra Leone, marking the first time the deadly virus has been found in West Africa. Eleven Egyptian rousette fruit bats tested positive for active Marburg virus infection. Research teams caught the bats separately in three health districts.</p> January 24, 2020 - 11:09am Andy Fell /news/marburg-virus-found-sierra-leone-bats Media Sources on Coronavirus Outbreak /coronavirus/news/experts <figure role="group" class="caption caption-drupal-media"> <div class="media media--type-sf-image-media-type media--view-mode-default"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/media/images/20210111-COVID-results-8289.jpg" width="1200" height="801" alt="Woman scientist with mask surrounded by blurry images of other masked scientists" typeof="Image"> </div> <figcaption>Charlotte Acharya, a staff research associate, talks with Kazunari Nozue and Nicole Slatterngren, research assistants, in the COVID testing laboratory on January 11, 2021.</figcaption></figure> January 21, 2020 - 12:45pm Katherine E Kerlin /coronavirus/news/experts Scientists Identify Bombali Ebolavirus in Bats in Guinea /news/scientists-identify-bombali-ebolavirus-bats-guinea-0 <p>The sixth ebolavirus, Bombali virus, <a href="">has been detected</a> in insect-eating bats in Guinea. In addition to findings reported by researchers <a href="">earlier this month</a>, scientists from the University of California, Davis, detected the virus in Angolan free-tailed bats roosting inside people’s houses in Guéckedou and Kissidougou.</p> September 09, 2019 - 1:49pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/scientists-identify-bombali-ebolavirus-bats-guinea-0 $9M to Preempt Zoonotic Spillover Threats, Protect Military and Local Communities /news/9m-preempt-zoonotic-spillover-threats-protect-military-and-local-communities <p>Predicting the emergence of highly pathogenic viruses in animals and preventing them from spilling over to humans is the goal of a multimillion-dollar cooperative agreement from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA,&nbsp;with collaborating researchers at the University of California, Davis; the University of Idaho; and Plymouth University in England.</p> February 19, 2019 - 10:40am Katherine E Kerlin /news/9m-preempt-zoonotic-spillover-threats-protect-military-and-local-communities Where Will the World’s Next Zika, West Nile or Dengue Virus Come From? /news/where-will-worlds-next-zika-west-nile-or-dengue-virus-come <p>After collecting data and comparing it with every known mammal and bird species on Earth, scientists from the University of California, Davis, have identified wildlife species that are the most likely to host flaviviruses such as Zika, West Nile, dengue and yellow fever. Flaviviruses are known to cause major epidemics and widespread illness and death throughout the world.</p> January 04, 2019 - 7:39am Katherine E Kerlin /news/where-will-worlds-next-zika-west-nile-or-dengue-virus-come Deadly Marburg Virus Found in Sierra Leone Bats /health/news/deadly-marburg-virus-found-sierra-leone-bats <p>Scientists have discovered Marburg virus in fruit bats in Sierra Leone. This is the first time the deadly virus has been found in West Africa. Five Egyptian rousette fruit bats tested positive for active Marburg virus infection. Scientists caught the bats separately in three health districts: Moyamba, Koinadugu and Kono.</p> December 20, 2018 - 2:15pm Katherine E Kerlin /health/news/deadly-marburg-virus-found-sierra-leone-bats