College of Letter and Science Content / College of Letter and Science Content for UC Davis en How Do Foreigners Create Jobs? /curiosity-gap/how-do-foreigners-create-jobs <p>Barring workers in a wide range of jobs, from computer scientists on H-1B visas to seasonal workers in hotels 鈥� will further harm the economy during a deep recession, say researchers.</p> August 26, 2020 - 1:15pm Karen Michele Nikos /curiosity-gap/how-do-foreigners-create-jobs Coronavirus Economic Effects Might Last Decades, UC Davis Research Suggests /coronavirus/news/coronavirus-economic-effects-might-last-decades-uc-davis-research-suggests <p>The economy could be suffering the effects of the coronavirus for decades, suggest economists at the University of California, Davis, who researched the financial effects of pandemics dating back to the 14<sup>th</sup> century.</p> April 02, 2020 - 12:07pm Karen Michele Nikos /coronavirus/news/coronavirus-economic-effects-might-last-decades-uc-davis-research-suggests