Expect Greater Content / Expect Greater Content for UC Davis en Come 1, Come All to The Greatest Show /news/come-one-come-all-greatest-show Join us Oct. 18 to celebrate philanthropy at UC Davis. Bring your friends and family to experience the incredible impact of the $2.25 billion that donors gave during the ԹϺ’s comprehensive campaign, Expect Greater: From UC Davis, for the World. September 24, 2024 - 11:36am Cody Kitaura /news/come-one-come-all-greatest-show UC Davis’ Historic Expect Greater Campaign Raises $2.25 Billion /news/uc-davis-historic-expect-greater-campaign-raises-225-billion <p><span>The University of California, Davis, is celebrating its most successful fundraising campaign — </span><em><span>Expect Greater: From UC Davis, for the World </span></em><span>— a multi-year effort that raised over $2.25 billion for student support, health research and care, sustainability, innovation and more.</span></p> September 24, 2024 - 10:06am James Michael Nash /news/uc-davis-historic-expect-greater-campaign-raises-225-billion UC Davis Launches $2 Billion Fundraising Campaign for Student Support, Health, Climate Change and More /news/uc-davis-launches-2-billion-fundraising-campaign-student-support-health-climate-change-and-more <p>The University of California, Davis, publicly launched a $2 billion fundraising campaign today (Oct. 9), the largest philanthropic endeavor in its history. This bold goal will propel the ԹϺ’s work to prepare future leaders, sustain healthier communities, and bring innovative solutions to today’s most urgent challenges.</p> <p>The campaign, <a href="http://campaign.ucdavis.edu/">“Expect Greater: From UC Davis, for the world,”</a> will harness the power of philanthropy to address defining issues of our time such as pandemic response, climate change, public safety and more.</p> October 09, 2020 - 9:00am Cody Kitaura /news/uc-davis-launches-2-billion-fundraising-campaign-student-support-health-climate-change-and-more