Neonatal Content
Neonatal Content for UC DavisenAntibiotic Exposure During Infancy Remodels Immune Response to Respiratory Pathogens
<p>Human infants are commonly exposed to and treated with antibiotics during the birthing process. However, <a href="">new research</a> in nonhuman primates may change the way doctors approach antibiotic treatment.</p>June 21, 2022 - 11:46amAndy Fell/blog/antibiotic-exposure-during-infancy-remodels-immune-response-respiratory-pathogensMilk protein comparison unveils nutritional gems for developing babies
<p>Human babies appear to need more of a nutritional boost from breast-milk proteins than do infants of one of their closest primate relatives, suggests a study comparing human milk with the milk of rhesus macaque monkeys.</p>
<p>The research team, led by the University of California, Davis, came to this conclusion after developing a new technique for comparing the proteome 鈥� all detectable proteins 鈥� of human milk with the proteome of the rhesus macaque monkey.</p>March 16, 2015 - 10:15amIET WebDev/news/milk-protein-comparison-unveils-nutritional-gems-developing-babies