Global Affairs Content / Global Affairs Content for UC Davis en Checking In With Chancellor May: Preparing Students for a World of Opportunity /news/checking-chancellor-may-preparing-students-world-opportunity <p><strong>To the UC Davis Community:</strong></p><p>The new academic year starts in just a few weeks and I look forward to seeing our campuses full of new and returning Aggies.</p><p>For many of our students, summer is a popular season to engage in global learning opportunities, and approximately 1,200 students are participating in study abroad programs this year.</p> August 16, 2024 - 9:55am Cody Kitaura /news/checking-chancellor-may-preparing-students-world-opportunity ‘Face to Face’: Building a Global Education /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/building-global-education <p class="MsoNormal">UC Davis is globally recognized as a leader in research, attracting students and faculty from around the world. But how does the ԹϺ make the power of global education accessible to everyone?</p> <p class="MsoNormal">In the latest edition of <em>Face to Face</em>, Chancellor Gary S. May hosts Joanna Regulska, the vice provost and dean of <a href="">Global Affairs</a>.</p> December 19, 2023 - 10:40am Jose Antonio Vadi /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/building-global-education ‘Face to Face’: Standardizing Student Advising /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/standardizing-student-advising <p>Ask campus staff and faculty the best part about working at UC Davis and a common answer appears: the students.&nbsp;</p> <p>This week’s edition of Face to Face With Chancellor May features an interview with two campus leaders – <a href="">Kayton Carter</a> and <a href="">Stephanie Zarate</a> – about their roles in increasing advising opportunities for undergraduate Aggies to equip them for their futures.&nbsp;</p> October 31, 2023 - 11:32am Jose Antonio Vadi /news/podcasts-and-shows/face-to-face/standardizing-student-advising UC Davis Named Top Producer of Fulbright Students in 2022-23 /news/uc-davis-named-top-producer-fulbright-students-2022-23 <div class="align-right media media--type-sf-image-media-type media--view-mode-default"> <img loading="lazy" src="/sites/default/files/media/images/topproducerlogo2223embed.jpg" width="348" height="348" alt="Top Producer Logo for 2022-23" typeof="Image"> </div> <p><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN"><span><span>The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs named UC Davis a Fulbright Top Producing Institution for U.S. Students. This recognition is given to the U.S.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> February 10, 2023 - 6:11pm Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-davis-named-top-producer-fulbright-students-2022-23 Weekender: Photo Contest Winners; Baroque Christmas and More /arts/blog/weekender-photo-contest-winners-baroque-christmas-and-more Bach Soloists present Messiah and other holiday favorites on Saturday; last weekend for Manetti Shrem until new year; photo contest winners. December 14, 2022 - 2:06pm Karen Michele Nikos /arts/blog/weekender-photo-contest-winners-baroque-christmas-and-more Ph.D. Student Wins New Quad Fellowship /news/phd-student-wins-new-international-award <p><span>UC Davis student Sophia Simon, who is pursuing a doctoral degree in ecology, has received a&nbsp;</span><a href="">Quad Fellowship</a><span>. She is part of the fellowship’s first cohort of 100 exceptional science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduate students.</span></p> December 13, 2022 - 1:50pm Julia Ann Easley /news/phd-student-wins-new-international-award Summer Classes, Mentors Support Pakistani Women’s Growth /news/summer-classes-mentors-support-pakistani-womens-growth <p><span><span>Hijab Khan of Pakistan is an environmental engineering student 7,500 miles and a pandemic away from UC Davis. But still, she has inspired at least one student here, gained a mentor and had what she considers one of the most valuable experiences of her life. </span></span></p> <p><span><span>Khan is one of three female students from Pakistan who participated — virtually — in two summer courses and individual mentorships at UC Davis through the <a href="">U.S.-Sister2Sister Exchange Program</a>.</span></span></p> September 02, 2021 - 10:36am Julia Ann Easley /news/summer-classes-mentors-support-pakistani-womens-growth The Mandela Fellows Are Back (Virtually) /news/mandela-fellows-are-back-virtually <p>Mandela Fellows are “returning” to UC Davis! Thirty young African leaders from 20 countries will participate in public management training that the fellows will then put to use in their homelands.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">UC Davis had planned to host its fifth cohort of fellows a year ago, until <span>&nbsp;</span>the pandemic forced the program’s cancellation. This summer’s program, which starts Monday (June 21), will be virtual.</p> June 18, 2021 - 11:29am Dave Jones /news/mandela-fellows-are-back-virtually UC Davis Joins Statements on UN, US Sustainability Goals /news/uc-davis-joins-statements-un-us-sustainability-goals <p>Chancellor Gary S. May is reaffirming UC Davis’ commitment to a better planet by joining with dozens of other ԹϺ leaders around the world on statements calling for action on sustainability, equality, equitable economic growth and more.</p> May 04, 2021 - 1:14pm Cody Kitaura /news/uc-davis-joins-statements-un-us-sustainability-goals UC Davis Earns APLU’s Platinum Award for Global Learning, Research and Engagement /news/uc-davis-earns-aplus-platinum-award-global-learning-research-and-engagement <p>The University of California, Davis, has been named as the only ԹϺ to earn the <a href="">2020 Platinum Institutional Award for Global Learning, Research and Engagement</a> from the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, or APLU.</p> November 10, 2020 - 9:00am Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-davis-earns-aplus-platinum-award-global-learning-research-and-engagement