California Content / California Content for UC Davis en New Drone Research Advances Wildfire Monitoring /climate/news/new-drone-research-advances-wildfire-monitoring UC Davis’ new fire research utilizes drones and ground sensors for early wildfire detection, enhancing firefighter safety and promoting sustainability. August 28, 2023 - 9:35pm Jocelyn C Anderson /climate/news/new-drone-research-advances-wildfire-monitoring What is Californians’ Constitutional Right to Fish? /blog/curiosity/what-californians-constitutional-right-fish In a recent episode of UC Davis Law’s podcast, “Justice Defined: Scholars of King Hall,” Professor Karrigan Börk discussed Californians’ constitutional right to fish. June 03, 2022 - 2:59pm Maria Magdalena Martinez Castro /blog/curiosity/what-californians-constitutional-right-fish California Water Managers Vary in Use of Climate Science, UC Davis Study Finds /climate/news/California-water-managers-vary-use-climate-science <p>Climate change is projected to shift water supplies as winters become warmer, spring snowmelt arrives earlier, and extreme weather-related events increase.</p> August 11, 2018 - 12:50pm Karen Michele Nikos /climate/news/California-water-managers-vary-use-climate-science California Climate Research Institute Proposed to Boost Climate Research and Action /news/california-climate-research-institute-proposed-boost-climate-research-and-action <p>California scientists spanning all 10 UC campuses and some private institutions are proposing a climate research institute that would help the state put <a href="">climate solutions </a>into practice, boosting both climate research and climate action.</p> <p>The plans and inspiration behind the proposed California Climate Science and Solutions Institute&nbsp;are described in an <a href="">Aug. 16 news article in <em>Nature. </em></a></p> August 17, 2017 - 3:18am Katherine E Kerlin /news/california-climate-research-institute-proposed-boost-climate-research-and-action Study: Floodplain Farm Fields Benefit Juvenile Salmon /news/study-floodplain-farm-fields-benefit-juvenile-salmon <p>A new study offers a beacon of hope for a cease-fire in the Golden State’s persistent water wars.</p> June 07, 2017 - 4:54pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/study-floodplain-farm-fields-benefit-juvenile-salmon Public Strawberry Breeding Program Backgrounder: Frequently Asked Questions /news/strawberry-breeding-program-backgrounder-frequently-asked-questions <p>Information about the UC Davis Public&nbsp;Strawberry Breeding Program and its importance for California agriculture&nbsp;is provided in this Frequently Asked Questions document.</p> May 08, 2017 - 4:04pm Patricia Bailey /news/strawberry-breeding-program-backgrounder-frequently-asked-questions Drought, Flood and Wildfire Experts List /news/drought-and-wildfire-experts-list-2015 <p>A list of California drought, flood, and wildfire experts from UC Davis. They can discuss issues related to groundwater, drought and the agricultural economy, water management and supply, and more.</p> February 02, 2017 - 9:00am IET WebDev /news/drought-and-wildfire-experts-list-2015 Arabica Coffee Genome Sequenced /food/news/arabica-coffee-genome-sequenced <p>University of California, Davis, researchers today announced the sequencing of the genome of&nbsp;<em>Coffea arabica</em>, the species responsible for more than 70 percent of global coffee production.</p> January 13, 2017 - 4:24pm Patricia Bailey /food/news/arabica-coffee-genome-sequenced California Nitrogen Assessment Shows the State of the Science on Nitrogen Use and Pollution /news/first-state-level-nitrogen-assessment-shows-state-science-nitrogen-use-and-pollution <p>The California Nitrogen Assessment,&nbsp;a new report from the UC Daivs Agricultural Sustainability Institute,&nbsp;presents a big picture of the scale and impacts of nitrogen in the state.</p> August 09, 2016 - 2:26pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/first-state-level-nitrogen-assessment-shows-state-science-nitrogen-use-and-pollution Primera evaluación a nivel estatal muestra el estado científico del uso del nitrógeno y la contaminación /news/primera-evaluaci%C3%B3n-nivel-estatal-muestra-el-estado-cient%C3%ADfico-del-uso-del-nitr%C3%B3geno-y-la <p>La Evaluación del Nitrógeno en California, un nuevo reporte del Instituto sobre Sustentabilidad Agrícola de la Universidad de California en Davis, presenta un panorama general de la escala e impactos que tiene el nitrógeno en el estado.</p> August 08, 2016 - 3:10pm Katherine E Kerlin /news/primera-evaluaci%C3%B3n-nivel-estatal-muestra-el-estado-cient%C3%ADfico-del-uso-del-nitr%C3%B3geno-y-la